A plea by the Bajau community
I have received this plea for help and post without editing. I personally vouch for its authenticity.
There is a tale of horror from the dark ages unfolding that is revealing the ugly Malaysian. It is not as we are led to believe confined to just the Peninsula folks. The ones in Sabah, especially the young have surprisingly displayed a very caustic and toxic view towards the small dot of a Bajau community.
Please don’t read further than this point! If you are frail, feeble, or fragile when a pebble of an opinion is cast, catapulted or hurled from the slingshot of conscience to lodge into your spirit. There is a precise intention to provoke your heart and invoke your soul to contemplate and contest for the highest ideals of compassionate humanity. This has nothing to do with ego jousting! There are wounded, weak, injured, vulnerable communities out that need your voices. You and I take a backseat together and ensure the ones who are most destitute are protected. There is a choice in the fork of the road – heal or hurt?
Sabah has gone rotten, ruthless, remorseless and rouge! There is something really insidious, dark, sinister going on in the state government. It is heartbreaking, gut wrenching and sickening. There are a displaced population of 2000 folks. Is this comprehensible?
The following are the collective sum total of the innumerable insinuations, innuendoes and connotations of negatives against the Bajaus, and on some I have placed a response:
· They are pirates involved in piracy! But where is all their loot?
· They are involved in kidnapping! Who are the victims and where is the evidence?
· They are in the drug trade! Beyond the wildest stretch of imagination, can one conceive such a small community capable of complex networking to smuggle drugs.
· They are engaging in human trafficking! Consider that their boats may not get them past 2 kilometers in the sea.
· They are parasites, vermin’s and beggars who burned down their own houses
How preposterous, outrageous, ridiculous, ludicrous and dangerously disgustingly absurd and cruel have we become in our stupidity?
There is this unhealthy generalization of the issue and concerns suggesting a wide range of criminality may be due to these indigenous folk. Surgically dissect this with the scalpel of common sense, integrity, impartiality and neutrality.
Ask realistically
· Without legal documentation they obviously would not have access to banks or financial institutions.
· Why are their homes still rickety, ramshackle frail structures like ghettos in the sea?
· Why don’t they have new state of the art boats, if they are involved in nefarious activities?
· Rationally thinking on a pragmatic level, who would not want citizenship? If the Bajau have citizenship and belong to a nation, does it not reduce the probability of presumption that they would be involved in illegal activities? Now they are already illegal and cannot engage in anything legal. To make ends meet; there is the possibility of engaging in illegal activities.
· They are sniffing glue, that is a fact. Glue as we know is cheap, far more affordable than drugs. There must be an underlying heartbreaking problem here.
The million-dollar question: Where is the wealth they have amassed and accumulated from their illegal activities?
With regard to established news media. It is despicable, disgusting, deceptive, disgraceful and disappointing that the press, who are supposed to be investigative in nature, was conspicuously and contemptuously shabby and shoddy in their reporting. The audacity of the major household names in the print media who accepted, promoted and published the criminal dishonest narrative that the Bajaus destroyed their homes themselves-displays the profane vulgarity and evil that has been conceived and concocted, to tarnish these helpless and hopeless folk. The investigative element in their reporting was zilch or total zero in this tragedy. It is simply appalling, shocking and stunning. How could they be accomplice to such soulless heartlessness? This is precisely the reason Sarawak Report, Murray Hunter and Malaysia Today (controversial and contradictory) have a sizable following- some security in the form of reliability and dependability of reporting.
Demolishing, destroying and burning houses of folks, who don’t have land titles, or have no idea of the demarcation or delineation of the sea as property- is reprehensible and repugnant. Such horrendous barbaric behavior is certainly an abomination in any civilized society.
The claim that Bajaus destroyed their own property, can be easily debunked and dismantled. There is video evidence of individuals who are not Bajaus, seen with a chainsaw cutting down a wooden structure by the beach. There is also a speedboat in the sea with a rope attached pulling down a rickety housing structure’s leg. How can one lie so blatantly in the face of incriminating evidence? What is the violation of the Bajaus to warrant such venomous resentment and poisonous bitterness, from Malaysians, that imposes anguish upon them? Are they not you and I? Or is it them versus us?
Is there more to it than meets the eye? There is something insidious and sinister. Whatever has transpired is like a cold wind that is blowing down the spine. The Government, press, and a whole load of ordinary citizens are obviously knowingly or unknowingly converging on an evil trajectory. It is worrying that PMX and cabinet have been totally silent on this travesty, some among us who realize the mistake on introspection are not coming forth with an admission, acknowledgment, atonement and apology for such evil.
No matter who we are, the elite or the most ordinary, young or old. One must never be perched in a gilded cage of comforts or conveniences in possession of citizenship. To be snobbish, snooty, sneering and mocking those who possess not the citizenship we spite the citizenship of conscience which is founded on ethics and morality. The citizens of the nation must impose, impale, insist and impact upon the government of the day, the humanity expected and anticipated from them. Real intention of innocence to care about others who are our indigenous within the borders of this nation. Considering that they were here well before most of us were here or the formation of Malaysia, dictates the following:
· Presume that the Bajaus are citizens in spirit even if they can’t accept and adapt to that fact. Issue them citizenship even if they are unable to hold the documentation, have the security protocol of storing it for them instituted.
· Within the services in the scope of education, medical services and the registration department assign a specific department to act as guardians for these folk, doesn’t matter if they are registered or not. We register them and consider them as citizens with or without documents. The first generation may remain undocumented, accept that reality. The succeeding generations will accept it.
· Set a small mobile schooling facility or educational institution for them on the sea or by the sea. Provide the necessary incentives for them to accept schooling and the necessary education. There must be provisional security guarantees.
· Have mobile flexible medical services available for the communities by the sea or on the sea. One can even make it regular mobile services.
· Ensure their social needs are taken care of, train them for working life. Secure a food basket and necessities, where they will not be in need or want.
These are not impossibly difficult endeavors- where there is a will, there is a way. When one patiently does this with patience and perseverance showing them the wealth of our compassionate kindness for their progress, advancement and betterment, there will be a response. It must be a long-term plan. Currently it is an arrogant talk down attitude, we are throwing citizenship at them on a conventional basis as if it is a favor. They are not beggars who need, scraps, crumbs and bones. There must be real incentives for them to be assimilated.
Never underestimate that being stateless means a huge disadvantage and a life deficit. One can easily be exploited. There is no security net or guarantee. Anything can happen and one is not protected. The basic fact is one does not exist. One is anonymous and invisible. We are all caught up in this mixed-up muddled crippling negative stereotyping:
· The Bajaus should give up their seafaring lifestyle
· The Penan should give up their hunter-gatherer lifestyle
· The Orang Asli should give up their traditional lifestyle
· The Chinese are greedy
· The Indians are quarrelsome and drunk!
· The Malays are lazy!
Just dismantling the myth of the lazy ‘Malay’ will assist us in dismissing every other myth. To think our existing way of life is better and the "other" as such . This presumption should desire, want or adopt our way is a destitute, prejudiced and jaundiced way of looking at humanity. Much of the backbreaking labor in agricultural fields that Malays engaged in was anything but lazy. Try working in the environment and one will discover the immense challenges. There is always an insidious manipulative intention behind assigning a race or a culture a negative connotation. The negatives are from the consequence of not submitting in acquiescence or doing the bidding of the colonial overlords. Now we have acquired the same mentality. Incidentally one will not see documented evidence of this racial profiling or labelling before the 19th Century, ask why?
There are pockets of these unbelievable bigots who are normal in appearances in every sense of the word. They may be well educated, read scriptures and diligently practice faith. Yet, they are the Klu Klux Klan or spawns of Hitler who never died within the ashes, skulls, and bones of the 3rd Reich. The rubble of philosophies and ruins of the racist ideologies blow a cold evil wind. Perhaps it is the collective folks like these that create the monsters like Hitler!
I communicated the following with a young person on social media:
There is a very simple and easy way to decipher the negatives towards the Bajau community. Nothing complex or sophisticated! Each chooses to be morally criminal and ethically compromised. When one is a little child, one is taught in a formative manner never to hit another or speak ill of another. This is very basic.
These indigenous obviously suffer disadvantages and yet, we have some folk who term them inappropriately. I wonder how many others have such a negative and harmful mentality towards the indigenous. But you don’t seem to act like one, who understands the Bajaus plight. You are offered more than the citizenship of your nation! You are offered the citizenship of your faith, which means you have to represent the decorum, conduct, decency and behavior of your faith. Instead, you go on a ranting lunatic rampage using expletives against some of the indigenous folk. Did your good parents indulge you with such entitlement of snotty snobbery that you can use such mean-spirited ill-mannered tirade towards vulnerable folk? Where is your Adab? You want to extend an opinion and qualify it well, display emotional maturity and the necessary intelligence, supported by decent behavior.
Have those indigenous folk hurt, denied or deprived you in any way that you label them parasites? If you have proper irrefutable substantive evidence, frame it properly and tender it. It would be appreciated that you represent your culture with dignity.
The above was my communication with the young lady.
The above displays one, pertinent and prominent fact. Those that we accuse of being racist in faraway lands may actually be far better than us. The closet of Malaysian racist in cupboards of hypocrisy are exposing themselves and falling out one by one.
The simple, unique, rare and extraordinary fact of the Bajaus is that the seas are their village, the boat is their home. These are folks who have nothing with regard to material possessions, as such, they should be treated well. Their education is the liberty of the striding winds and clashing waves. Are they less than us for not having the same educational standards? Or are we more than them by virtue of academic education? They must be engaged and communicated with deep sensitivity and great respect. We do not know enough of their heart, spirit and mind- as we are not them. They have nothing to prove to us, we have everything to prove to them. The Bajau existed long before Malaysia. What really defines us people of a nation?
The truth in our character is the representation that forms our reputation. So far, I am witnessing a collective destitution of diminishment and defeat, in how we respond to these good folk. The pursuit of honor is inconveniences, pain, suffering and deprivations. A person or a nation of honor will know intimately that there are compromises worse than dying. When we seek to preserve the security of our comforts, we lose something far more precious- our souls! Is this affordable? There must be a purpose of greatness in our existence
If you find it in your heart to partner this community as fellow human beings, please consider contributing to their advancement and betterment.
Pertubuhan Kebajikan Anak Impian Malaysia
564061446062 (Maybank)
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I was expecting some Christians to come on board and shower the poor folks with love and Christian compassion. These Bajaus are the "strangers in our midst" as sayeth the Bible. Maybe that Bible is like Pakatan promises...
Then again, quite a lot of our Muslims are openly hostile to their fellow Muslims, the Rohinyas whom their compassionate and merciful fervent want out of Malaysia.
Our "Muslims" aren't exactly chummy with the Palestinians either. Soon as there was word on the latest round of Israeli genocide and ethnic cleansing, the brothers here fret about Malaysia being "full already" with refugees, blah... I'll support you so long as I can still break boycott oath, continue eating and drinking to keep the genocide going..!
Btw, if Pinoyland reclaims Sabah, the Bajaus may have the last laugh after all, they can exile Malaysians to Malaya.
The Bajaus can certainly laugh loud and last longer laughing loud, they are genetically equipped with very special lungs that make them last extremely long under water.
That's evolution for you oops aren't they Christians too?
Btw, when is gomen really going to genuinely sanction Israel? Malaysia is doing business with the Unholy Land, opening ports to Israeli cargo, helping the merchants of death exhibit weapons and munitions they sell to genocide the Palestinians.
Not to forget that Tengku fella with his wisdom you use Apple, we can't boycott Apple, etc so we might as well not boycott anybody, weapons used against Palestinians are therefore fine..!