"Truth" is all relative. However, the video is seriously warped, providing only the Western narrative increasingly debunked by the unjustifiable genocidal behaviour of the Israeli occupation forces. From 1948, Israel has been ceaselessly conducting an open and clear policy of ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians
With no one to protect the Palestinians, definitely not the West, it is fair to point out Hamas is doing the work of fighting for the Palestinians. Therefore to increasingly many, Hamas is no way a "terrorist" organisation - entirely unlike the genocidal Israeli Occupation Forces.
One must say the majority of Malaysians can see through the Israeli and Western propaganda. No civilisation or humanity can say bombing a lot of civilians in the pretext of the long standing Israeli policy and practice of genocide and ethnic cleansing disguised as attempts to get at a few (mostly non-existent) Hamas "terrorists" is any act of civilised people. Many many Israeli and Jews share this view and fight for the defence and protection of the Palestinians.
I look forward to more holy kosher crap, this time perhaps provided by the Israeli gomen, Bennyboy Shapiro, Epstein's buddy Alan Dershovitz, or at least Douglas Murray, that right-wing queer bitch fascist shill for Israel.
"Truth" is all relative. However, the video is seriously warped, providing only the Western narrative increasingly debunked by the unjustifiable genocidal behaviour of the Israeli occupation forces. From 1948, Israel has been ceaselessly conducting an open and clear policy of ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians
With no one to protect the Palestinians, definitely not the West, it is fair to point out Hamas is doing the work of fighting for the Palestinians. Therefore to increasingly many, Hamas is no way a "terrorist" organisation - entirely unlike the genocidal Israeli Occupation Forces.
One must say the majority of Malaysians can see through the Israeli and Western propaganda. No civilisation or humanity can say bombing a lot of civilians in the pretext of the long standing Israeli policy and practice of genocide and ethnic cleansing disguised as attempts to get at a few (mostly non-existent) Hamas "terrorists" is any act of civilised people. Many many Israeli and Jews share this view and fight for the defence and protection of the Palestinians.
I look forward to more holy kosher crap, this time perhaps provided by the Israeli gomen, Bennyboy Shapiro, Epstein's buddy Alan Dershovitz, or at least Douglas Murray, that right-wing queer bitch fascist shill for Israel.
From the River to the Sea
Palestine will be Free