GE15: Some additional analysis
UMNO is set to make an historic decision that will change the trajectory of the nation
While two groups are vying to become the government, here are the statistics showing the popular vote and percentage of seats won. This puts a perspective on which party or group could claim to have a peoples’ mandate to govern.
PN +BN +GPS + GRS = 131 seats
This is 59.5% of the seats. This is 58% of the popular vote.
This coalition can claim to be a mandate.
PH + BN + Warisan + GRS + Muda = 121 seats
This is 55.9% of the seats. This is 62.9% of the popular vote.
This coalition can claim to be a mandate.
Both coalitions can be considered a mandate. Both should enable a workable parliamentary majority. Both have representation across the nation.
Option one is biased towards the Malay heartlands, while option 2 is biased towards urban Malaysia. This is a dichotomy that will divide Malaysian politics in years to come.
UMNO’s choice will steer the nature of Malaysian politics in one of the above directions for years to come. This is an historic decision for the nation.
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The first coalition with Islamic party, pas , inside will see more Islamic extremism in federal policies.. and possibly more bias treatments towards the non Muslim, as seen Kelantan state.
Whatever analysis may win out, boleh politics dictates that ingrained corruption WILL still win. Despite being pissed on for decades the hapless rakyats will still get MYURINE. So no surprise that the institutions, the so called leaders, the self serving system has failed again… Bolehsia is destined to be a failed state, and this is optimistic😰😱🇲🇾💰Long live the Finks❗️