GISB has a column of staunch loyal supporters within the highest echelons of government
This group challenges the influence IKRAM within government
Over the last day, it’s become very evident that there are many within the executive government, civil service, JAKIM, police, education sector, and military who are loyal supporters of GISB, and the philosophies it is based upon.
This explains why the IGP of police Razarudin Husian needed to conduct the raids on the child care homes in secrecy, without JAKIM involved. This was to prevent any tip offs. Even Razarudin isn’t sure within the police force of who he could trust.
One event in Johor earlier this year indicates the deep support within government GISB has. The Halal on Track (HOT) event was attended by the deputy prime minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, the Johor Chief Minister Hafiz bin Ghazi, minister in the prime minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) Senator Dr Haji Mohd Na’im bin Haji Mokhtar, heads of government departments, a former mufti, and a number of civil servants.
Another posting shows a celebration of the CEO of GISB Lokman Hakim Pfordten on his appointment as Chief Executive Officer of the International Muslim Consumers Association (IMCA). This event was attended by a large number heads of NGOs in Malaysia.
What is clear here, is that GISB is no ordinary company. GISB has taken over the mantle of the dissolved Al-Arqam and held the loyalty of supporters. If one goes back to the early 1990s, many Malays supported the ideals of Al-Arqam in Malay middle class society, especially the youth. These people are now mature and hold positions within the highest echelons of government, the civil service, education, the police, JAKIM, and the military.
This is not to say that many are not shocked by the discoveries of child abuse, sodomy and exploitation exposed by the police, earlier this week.
However, what must be understood is that this group is now collectively very powerful within government and runs very close to the prime minister and a number of members of cabinet. This explains why Dr Mohd Asri Zainal Abidin, known as Dr Maza gave the warning more than a month earlier. The GISB column within the government is pushing out the influence that IKRAM traditionally held within the civil service and education.
Yusoff Rawther, who was arrested by police and charged on firearms and drug charges knows the truth. That’s why there are many concerns about his safety in remand, as the court will not give him bail.
Over the next 24 hours, expect everyone who is anyone in the government deny their connections with GISB.
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IF GISB having a coloumn of staunch supporters amongst the highest echelons of government which you seem to imply is a crime; then bear in mind, Bersih, C4, the Catholic church, the other Christian churches, the Vatican and the US government has historically had close ties with the Mafia (which they've used in political assasinations domestically and abroad, to break strikes during World War II and during the arms embargo against Israel). Why aren't thee warranting outrage and mention in your coloumns? Because they are not Muslim and Malay?
The US and other Westerrn nations supported and gave refuge to Nazis after World War II. And we are not talking Von Braun the Nazi who pioneered America's pace and rocket program either. We are talking of over 1,000,000 of them. Where is the outrage of on going pedophelia in the Christian churches, Buddhist monastries, the prostitution of women in Taoist temples and syndicates run by them from benevolent institutions for orphans and deserted wives in th secretive Chinese communities?
Why is your outrage so selective. Have you not had one lesson too many supporting the NED and Open societies and th Regime Change movements? It is no wonder you are being blocked and censored in places like Malayia publishing from th whore capital of Asia in Had Yaii in souhern Thailand. Very appropriate a place to be in.
So too the churches who support C4 have had and continue to enjoy support of the Catholic and other Christian churches whose record numbers of pedophiles, sex crimes for which they have been found guilty and have been documented. Where is the outrage on them Why are they allowed to continue with impunity.
Their philosophy of 'jihad' and policy of 'body and soul for cult leader' lead them to give away themselves, wives, children and belongings (including property titles and salaries) to this group. Freaky.