here in this country. the politicians, the elected representatives and even PMX pretend that homelessness does not exist. Hence there is nothing much of a consistent, concrete approach to reduce and alleviate the tragedy of homelessness.

Surely with the way, the government leadership is reacting to the Palestine crisis, thousands of miles away from here, and proclamation of ,moral and financial support to this humanitarian crisis were given to a problem so far away, how come there is so little attention given to our own backyard human suffering due to homelessness?

Where is our priority and heart to help others in urgent need so near to us?

Where is the wisdom of charity begins from home?

"The most shocking fact about war is that its victims and its instruments are individual human beings, and that these individual beings are condemned by the monstrous conventions of politics to murder or be murdered in quarrels not their own." ~ Aldous Huxley

PMX should see through the real plot of Hamas leaders in the name of helping the Palestine cause,the real and ultimate beneficiary of financial assistance is not the suffering masses, but

Hamas leaders who stay in Dubai.

Homelessness will remain a social scourge for a long time to come, if those in power choose to close a blind eye to the plight of such magnitude.

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"... should see through the real plot of Hamas leaders in the name of helping the Palestine cause,the real and ultimate beneficiary of financial assistance is not the suffering masses, but

Hamas leaders who stay in Dubai."

And, Sunshine, how did you manage to "see through the real plot"?

Your natural leaning towards the "hard man's" fascism?

Plus the talent at swallowing what Israel chucks into your swill?

You do really have a genetic disposition for some rather extreme beliefs, stuff you treasure are entirely from old Nazi material and extreme right-wing views, much from antiquity.

Were your grandpa and father hard men from tough backgrounds? You seem to have some serious problems with being empathetic toward sections of humanity.

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