How the MCMC is criminalizing journalism
Blocking websites without any due process of the law
Just as the United States Department of Justice is criminalizing journalism with the conviction of journalist Julian Assange in a special court in Saipan, the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), led by UMNO warlord chairman Salim Fateh Din is doing the same.
Over the last year, a number of websites that carry stories, investigative pieces, and comment on Malaysia have been blocked on the direction of the MCMC to major ISP providers in the country. This is being undertaken without any contact to the site owners specifying what contents they published was against any law or defamatory in some way. These website blockages have gone far beyond just blocking specific content, the MCMC has blocked many of these websites on a permanent basis.
This indicates the MCMC is not really just blocking specific content from the internet inside Malaysia, but rather the MCMC is blocking out completely, those journalists, and commentators who are not favourable to their partisan politics.
In addition, the MCMC working in tandem with the PDRM is charging writers with questionable sedition charges, which seem to be concocted on political bias.
The MCMC is criminalizing journalism.
Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act stipulates offences of using network facilities to transmit communication deemed to be offensive or could cause annoyance to another person. An offence under the section is punishable with up to one-year imprisonment, a fine up to RM50,000, or both, upon conviction.
The big problem of section 233 is that the MCMC is the sole arbitrator of what may deem to be offensive or constitute annoyance to another. The parameters of section 233 are too vague and are being grossly abused.
The effect of section 233 of the MCMC Act is that it is being used to turn journalism into a crime. Â
The so-called pre-empted blocking of websites is targeting individuals who are saying something the authorities don’t want in the public domain. Unfortunately its also being used to hide unethical and even corrupt corporate activities.
Some, but not all of the websites the MCMC has instructed ISPs to block include;
Malaysia Today
Agenda Daily
Malaysia Chronicles
Chegubard’s Tik Tok
Wee Choo Keong
Murray Hunter Substack
TV Pertiwi.
The MCMC is destroying political and investigative journalism in Malaysia. The freedom of journalism is one of the basic tenants of a healthy working democracy. The absence of investigative and political journalism is a major step along the road of totalitarianism. The lack of investigative journalism in Malaysia has created an environment for rampant corporate corruption.
This is what happens when the MCMC is chaired by a political/corporate person.
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is MCMC being directed by minister of communication and the power that be? let have freedom of speech in Malaysia. it seems any party in power is not trustworthy, not only BN as accused by PH before.
For all his posing and pretense at being progressive man of the world, MacMullah Anwar can hardly stand above the knees of Ah Jib when it comes to be even a kampong statesman.
MacMullah is too thin-skinned and totally frightened of even the least there is that exposes him as utterly the opposite of the creature who crafts the fraud he has been selling in the snake-oil market that he's such a reformer, that he's the holy likeness of Jose Rizal, Gandhi, Mandela, and all things nice as in old fairy tales.
With his fascist streak from since his rabble rousing days and his best time as Himmler with the Hitler Mamakthir as his only stock in trade, MacMullah simply doesn't have the wit, ability, or skill to break out of his backward kampong flasher poseur mindset. In other words, MacMullah hasn't any of even the least of any intelligence to be half the great man his huge ego desperately wants him to be.
Even Ah Jib doesn't censor or exercise control freakery like MacMullah.
What's ahead for him would be heaps of opposition to him and his fascist MacDani gomen, small resistance it may be at the moment, all hell and more would break loose coming soon as the resistance and protest against the narcissistic fraud mounts.
MacMullah and his crap MacDani has a handful right now with MacMullah exposing himself as a slimy PR artist for BlackRock and a double-headed rattlesnake betraying the Palestinians whom he's treacherously using to burnish his empty image. Don't forget both Hamas and Hezbollah exposed MacMullah when he tried to con Mullah Nik Aziz into recognising Israel.
The weak MacMullah's usual bent for slithering out of awkward spots would be more censorship and harsher repressive measures. As MacMullah has hardly any skill to run a decent progressive gomen, he'll finally fcuk himself out of gomen, taking the useless MacDani down with him.
Over half a century of being in reality the cheap fraud that he's always been, even MacMullah's same old same old sh*t is hitting his fcuking dumb fans right in their faces and even causing them to squeal like bitches and be pissed off.