I imagine the video may help different Malaysians with their over-imagination (like Malaysia is doomed and Anwar is their only saviour), inability to imagine (like nothing can make their miserable lives change for the better), it's too much effort to think and thinking can injure the tauhu inside the skull...
Meanwhile, Anwar imagines he's G*d's gift to Malaysia, and the retarded ketuanan monkeys hallucinate the mythologies they've invented are real and they are the mistress race.
Yes, we need people who can imagine.
But no, Malaysians need not try that, thank you.
And Lao Tzu (yes, he's Chinese, sorry dear other supremacist chauvinists) sez the more you define, specify, categorise a subject, the more you will drift from it's real essence.
Just be.
For Malaysians, try be a cabbage, a potato, kangkong, weed... Be at peas even if there are more types of imagination known that you can't imagine exists.
I imagine the video may help different Malaysians with their over-imagination (like Malaysia is doomed and Anwar is their only saviour), inability to imagine (like nothing can make their miserable lives change for the better), it's too much effort to think and thinking can injure the tauhu inside the skull...
Meanwhile, Anwar imagines he's G*d's gift to Malaysia, and the retarded ketuanan monkeys hallucinate the mythologies they've invented are real and they are the mistress race.
Yes, we need people who can imagine.
But no, Malaysians need not try that, thank you.
And Lao Tzu (yes, he's Chinese, sorry dear other supremacist chauvinists) sez the more you define, specify, categorise a subject, the more you will drift from it's real essence.
Just be.
For Malaysians, try be a cabbage, a potato, kangkong, weed... Be at peas even if there are more types of imagination known that you can't imagine exists.