Introducing Compounding Curiosity
An interesting up and coming podcast platform specializing on financial matters within the Asia-Pacific Region
I wish to introduce Kalani Scarrott who has established a podcast called Compounding Curiosity. Kalani interviews lots of interesting people within the financial industry who often provide unique insights. Kalani is an up and coming podcaster based in Perth, Australia, who also wonders around as a digitial nomad from time to time across Asia.
I am very happy to present some of Kalani’s podcasts relevant to Malaysia, and the region as they are posted in Compounding Curiosity.
The first podcast is an interview with Sean Upton, who talks about a Building a career in China. This podcast will be valuable to those who wish to work in China as an expat. There is some very useful advice and information disclosed by Sean.
Sean Upton-McLaughlin (@SeanUM_China). Sean has spent over a decade working with Chinese companies throughout China, often in Chinese-only working environments, helping to improve their global marketing and communications. Now, based in Shenzhen, he continues to help Chinese technology companies bridge the business and cultural divides between China and the rest of the world.Â
Show Notes:
[00:00:31] – [First question] – How did Sean first get involved with China?
[00:06:08] – Sean’s first experience working in China and how he got that job
[00:07:46] – How would Sean prepare differently if starting over?
[00:14:21] – What is China Speed?
[00:18:42] – Why work for a Chinese Company?
[00:19:58] – How can Chinese companies not shoot themselves in the foot?
[00:25:37] – Thoughts on China armchair experts?
[00:33:37] – What was working at vivo doing influencer relations like?
[00:38:12] – Aspects of Sean’s career in China that was everything he dreamed of, and any harsh realities?
[00:40:23] – Interesting anecdotes of life in China
Here is the link to Sean’s interview on Compounding Curiosity below:
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Cheers Murray! Way too kind, appreciate this!