Islamic Economics Series: Adi Setia Part 1
Trade, Commerce, Money and Market in the Islamic Experience: A Brief Overview
I am publishing a series of articles written by the renowned Islamic scholar Adi Setia. There is so much talk about steering government towards an Islamic state. However, what is lacking is discussion about Islamic economics.
To encourage more understanding and interest in Islamic economics this series will be posted.
I am posting the link to a PDF file for all the footnotes and formats.
Please click on the link here.
This brief overview focuses on the meanings of trade and commerce (tijārah) in Islam and related terms such as kasb, iktisāb (earning), wealth (māl), work (ʿamal), money (naqd) and market (sūq) as these have been expressed in some salient aspects of early Madīnan and later Islamic practice, and in their exposition by the classical ulama in their many authoritative works on the fiqh and adab of kasb (legal and ethico-moral aspects of earning a livelihood).
Dr Adi Setia
Dr Adi Setia is currently Director, Institute for Regenerative Livelihoods (IRL),
He was formerly Associate Professor of Islamic Science and Islamic Economics at the Center for Advanced Studies on Islam, Science & Civilization (CASIS), University of Technology Malaysia (UTM).
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Interesting. Watch neil tysons youtube on islam in the golden age era, the naming of stars, the creation of algorithms, algebra and perhaps alphabets. Then come this imam who says maths is satanic. Everything is preordained.
That is how the west took the discoveries and use it to create wealth.