Islamic Economics Series: Adi Setia Part 2
Reviving an Economics for the Common Good: The Science of Earning in al-ShaybĀNĪ, al-GhazĀlĪ, and alDimashqĪ
I am publishing a series of articles written by the renowned Islamic scholar Adi Setia. There is so much talk about steering government towards an Islamic state. However, what is lacking is discussion about Islamic economics.
To encourage more understanding and interest in Islamic economics this series will be posted.
I am posting the link to a PDF file for all the footnotes and formats.
Please click on the link here
This article reflects on what might be called the kasb genre in classical Islamic thought—with special reference to al-Shaybānī, al-Ghazālī, and al-Dimashqī—and goes on to argue the case for a more beneficial redefinition of economics as the “science of earning and provisioning for the common good.”
Dr Adi Setia
Dr Adi Setia is currently Director, Institute for Regenerative Livelihoods (IRL),
He was formerly Associate Professor of Islamic Science and Islamic Economics at the Center for Advanced Studies on Islam, Science & Civilization (CASIS), University of Technology Malaysia (UTM).
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