Islamic Economics Series: Adi Setia Part 7
Human Rights Discourse: Towards a Mutually Prospective Engagement
I am publishing a series of articles written by the renowned Islamic scholar Adi Setia. There is so much talk about steering government towards an Islamic state. However, what is lacking is discussion about Islamic economics.
The universality of human rights speaks not to ephemeral geopolitical hegemony but rather to immutable moral conscience in the hearts of people thinking and acting as moral agents. On this foundational premise, a viewpoint is put forth for a mutually prospective and people-centred engagement between Islām and the West on the concept and practice of human rights. This will entail each side to critically and creatively re-engage their respective traditions and heritage as they relate to the human rights discourse as part and parcel of a consensus building mutual engagement.
Please click on the link here for the full paper
Dr Adi Setia
Dr Adi Setia is currently Director, Institute for Regenerative Livelihoods (IRL),
He was formerly Associate Professor of Islamic Science and Islamic Economics at the Center for Advanced Studies on Islam, Science & Civilization (CASIS), University of Technology Malaysia (UTM).
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There are no credible malay leader who has economics and finance as background qualification. Like PMX they are graduates in Islamic studies, Malay studies from local public universities. There are Malay economists in the country but for the large part, keep mum about economic issues. They would rather sit on their backsides and be rewarded just by the colour of their skin. That's why over the decades, hardly any Malay economist has made significant contributions in the public sphere - only in the private sphere. The cut and thrust of public debate is shunned by them. Probably lack of confidence.