JAKIM about to admit they are wrong but not apologise To Malaysian Muslims
Negeri Sembilan Mufti calls for a boycott of Australian meat
Negeri Sembilan Mufti Mohd Yusof Ahmad
The Negeri Sembilan mufti Mohd Yusof Ahmad has called on authorities to temporary suspend the import of meat from Thomas Foods International (TFI) in Lobethal, South Australia for allegedly violating halal slaughtering standards and standard operating procedures (SOPs) to give time for JAKIM and the Australian Department of Agriculture, Water, and Environment (DAWE) to conduct investigations as both JAKIM director general Hakimah Mohd Yusof and assistant secretary Anna Somerville of DAWE have promised.
Various consumer organizations within Malaysia are making police reports concerning these infringements of SOPs. A press conference will be held next week supporting the Negeri Sembilan Mufti on his proposed boycott of Australian meat.
Informants have told the author that many high religious figures in Australia have reframed from making statement s about the TFI halal scandal in Lobethal, South Australia out of fear of losing funding. In Malaysia, many Muftis have been silenced by their respective bureaucracies, but more are expected to break away and support the Negeri Sembilan Mufti over the next couple of days.
The Australian government has been in the middle of a massive campaign to promote Australian Lamb to Asia. This looks like it has compromised DAWE. Anna Somerville deputy director of export standards of the Department has not answered requests for further information their inquiries.
Deep sources within JAKIM indicate there is currently a desperate power struggle between Sirajuddin Suhaimee and Hakimah Mohd Yusof. Sources indicate that Hakimah, the Director General will admit the lapses in Halal protocols exist, but fail to go as far as apologising to Malaysian Muslims who have been consuming questionable halal meat.
Can Hakimah save JAKIM from the corrupt forces within?
This why the Negeri Sembilan Mufti has stepped in. Muslims must be guaranteed the meats they consume are halal. Rumours currently circulating around the Malaysian Halal industry is that forces close to certain people within JAKIM are attempting to silence the Muslim Consumer Association of Malaysia (PPIM). The corruption within this industry is worth almost RM 100 million per annum, benefitting a corrupt elite within JAKIM.
The Negeri Sembilan Mufti quoted a Hadith that stated “In Islam, a hadith states that when we are in doubt (about the source of food), we cannot eat the food.” If PPIM don’t call for a boycott on Australian meat next week, supporting the Negeri Sembilan Mufti, we will know they have also been corrupted by JAKIM rogues.
In Australia, the integrity of the Australian Department of Agriculture, Water, and Environment, and Thomas Foods International are in question. Police reports will be made by the Islamic community in Australian upon Anna Sommerville and TFI senior management for this cover up, once JAKIM admits fault.
Everyday a boycott is not called, Malaysian Muslims could be eating “daging haram” which has been facilitated by JAKIM and its appointed foreign certifying bodies like SICHMA. This is a crime against Islam and all must be held accountable.
Malaysia is fortunate at least one Mufti has been brave enough to speak out.