We are being regaled with stories of corruption, money laundering, and misuse and abuse of power and authority in this wretched country of ours with a regularity that simply astounds me.
Yes, reading about Abah and Kepit Man having hundreds of millions in their party or personal bank account is somewhat amusing when your immediate financial woes consist of trying to find a few hundred ringgit to pay rent for the roof that is now precariously perched over the heads of your loved one.
More amusing than seeing a procession of father, son, and relatives in SPRM Orange attire on their way to court to answer charges of money laundering and scams that would even put Pak Man Telor escapades to shame.
But I digress.
This morning, I want to talk about corruption and the abuse and misuse of power and authority by the little Napoleons that jealously stand guard over what they claim to be their own little patch of authority that allows them to "cari makan" whenever their spirit moves them to "cari makan!"......whether to buy school books for their children at the start of term, buying clothes for the coming Hari Raya festivities or paying for the upkeep of their second wives, girlfriend or mistress - whatever lah!
And all this is being done by one of the State most august Majlis : MAJLIS AGAMA ISLAM SELANGOR....MAIS.
In the coming days, I intend to tell you the tale of how this MAJLIS AGAMA ISLAM SELANGOR, for the past decade and counting, tak bayer hutang due to a contractor that has done work for MAIS over a decade ago.
And how much is the hutang? Not in the hundreds. Not in the thousands. Not even in the hundreds of thousands of ringgits...but in the millions of ringgits.
Can you imagine how any business can survive when it is owed millions for over a decade? Can you imagine how a MAJLIS AGAMA ISLAM of the SELANGOR state will not pay their hutang in the millions to a business belonging to a Muslim? And more interestingly, I will attempt to answer why this Muslim contractor has not been paid millions due to them from MAIS.
The how, the why, and the who that have profited from these dastardly corrupt deeds will be told in the manner that I normally tell my tales....no holds barred...names... positions...phone numbers....how much over what period of time ....and of course, where relevant, what SPRM have done, or not done, for justice to prevail.
And last but not least...that constant refrain being used my MAIS to delay paying their hutang. "bahawa Tuanku Sultan Selangor pernah menitahkan supaya perkara ini diselesaikan tanpa melibatkan sebarang tindakan mahkamah dan tanpa menafikan hak mana-mana pihak yang berkepentingan"
Enough said for now. Until the next installment of this tale...maybe esok...maybe in a few day's time..... sabar menanti. Daulat Tuanku!
From Hussein Hamid Staedyaku47
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MAIS (formerly MUIS) is probably as corrupted as it was in the 1980s. They owned property and rentals were paid under table, additionally-they rented their property to bars serving alcohol (at S 17, Petaling Jaya). I believe that there was a band that subsequently took over the place and called it "shepherd's inn". The management are a bunch of scoundrels, they do not promote Islam but are corrupted to the core.
You know I wrote to MAIS (Registered mail) and also emailed them on 23 Jan 2023. Till today, (18.03.2023) NO REPLY.
Point is, who monitors them?