About time the ignorant, the semi literate, the pseudo academics and the Bersih types were all silenced in equal measure.

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My dear chicken Korma, you can easily qualify to be lumped among the "ignorant, the semi literate, the pseudo academics and the Bersih types", the brain dead, fixed minded and intellectual midgets often over-estimate and overrate themselves.

Your tiny mind doesn't appear to have evolved since your esteemed massahs the Brits left Malaysia in the proxy care of their proxy running bow wows. Whenever you shag yourself stupid here you don't appear to have broken free of that colonial Indian-assisted education in terms of content and style.

Try to be more like your own master and even a "master of the land" than a stooge the old colonial massahs use to divide and rule. I would recommend you model yourself after the likes of giants like eg Rashid Maidin. Or at least think like him. It's more becoming than being a little brown imitation of the white man.

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May 1·edited May 1


Picking on a farmer and not Bloomberg, eh?

I say if Bloomberg is lying, sue them for multi-million US $$$. It'll be a necessary and easy win - better than getting conned and not winning in a casino.

The reputation, honour, and integrity of those in the con industry of gambling must be protected.

The odds against winning are all calculated for anyone to see, no gomen especially those in Islamic countries should permit gambling which destroys the soul.

Across the water we have Acheh where anyone caught gambling whether Muslim or not get lashed etc. We should learn from Acheh, after all we love punishment, all such begin right at primary school where children get plenty of abuse of all sorts.

Maybe we should try Bloomberg in our courts. When we win the muchas moolah we should also whip some Angmoh etc asses, Alhamdullilah!

Sadly, somehow I very much doubt there are the huge testicles around to roll over the likes of Bloomberg. I would imagine if Bolehland takes on Bloomberg, all they need do is publish a few articles about being harassed, and a few articles about there being no ability here to handle the economy and we're going down the pan, and the investors (of which there are next to extremely few) would either not invest - or will take their few pennies out.

Malaisesia is not exactly like China, you don't get Elon Musk going to see Xi and singing really loud praises for the Chinese chairman or China. Or a bunch of German industry heavyweights dropping by urgently to save Germany.

I'll support our Fatherland of course when Mullah BigMac and MacDani takes on Bloomberg for defaming our glorious nation and our industry leaders - Fcuking Hell, we have gambling as our industry?! Wtf!

Hey! Where's everybody? We should expect at least our resident legal commentators come on board and waffle, bullocksh*t, and play "lawyers" doing law of the jungle - or at least the rubber plantations, where are they when the Fatherland needs them?! Typical! Lawyers are such two-faced spineless opportunist and freaking mercenaries!

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