New Free eBook: Feudalism in Malaysia today by Murray Hunter
Exploring and exposing Malaysia’s class problem
Murray Hunter returns in Ovi eBookshelves with a new eBook about the political and social situation in Malaysia pointing for one more time the critical role of corruption and class elites.
“This situation is so blatant, new blood is being kept out or sidelined from government to the point, Malaysia doesn’t have the talent waiting in the wings to takeover power in the future. Economically, there are very few wealth creation segments within the economy. The elite have geared the economy towards rent-seeking activities they or their nominees’ control. Anyone who exposes them is sent into bankruptcy through legal proceedings.
The elephant in the room is the elites, not racial division. Anyone who thinks otherwise has been fooled by the cover up over so many years.”
Ovi eBook Publishing 2024. Thank you to Thanos once again for publishing my book.
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Thank you, Murray, for the effort. Beautifully written!
Should be a caution warning that reading the eBook can easily bring on depression, even when the Malay elite is a bunch of laughable fcuking kampong comedians.
Even when they don't open their big mouths, the sight of them with their badly-tailored suits and silly hats is enough to make anyone fall back laugh your tits off. Wearing loud flashy tribal pyjama-style outfits don't help none either! Very often tribal gatherings take on the character of a kiddie pantomime pyjama party.
And don't bring up Admiral Sanusi in his honorary navy uniform! If a fcukface can sink a thousand ships, it must be our pretend-admiral and our own invisible LCS vessels.