Petronas decommissioning Kimanis-Bintulu pipeline is systemic failing of Sabah, Sarawak by the Federal
We, the Borneo Peoples’ Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BOPIMAFO) and the Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ), strongly condemn the continued exploitation of Sabah and Sarawak’s oil and gas resources by Petronas and the federal government of Malaysia. The recent reports of Petronas decommissioning the $4.6 billion Kimanis-Bintulu gas pipeline, merely 10 years after its construction, is a stark reminder of the mismanagement and disregard for the rights and well-being of the people of Sabah and Sarawak.
This pipeline, built using wealth siphoned from Sabah and Sarawak, is a symbol of the systemic plunder of our resources. Instead of benefiting the people of Sabah and Sarawak, the profits from our oil and gas have been used to develop Peninsular Malaysia and enrich its elites, leaving our territories impoverished and underdeveloped. This is a blatant violation of the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) and the promises made to the people of Sabah and Sarawak when Malaysia was formed. The decommissioning of the pipeline is not just a technical decision; it is a symbol of the federal government’s failure to honour its promises and its continued colonial-style exploitation of our lands.
Malaysia was established to develop Sabah and Sarawak, not to turn them into colonies for resource exploitation. However, the federal government has consistently centralised control over our territories, undermining our rights and autonomy. The illegal dismissal of Sarawak’s Chief Minister, Stephen Kalong Ningkan, in 1966 marked the beginning of this erosion of our rights. This was followed by the introduction of oppressive and unconstitutional laws such as the Continental Shelf Act 1966 (CSA66), the Petroleum Development Act 1974 (PDA74), and the Territorial Seas Act 2012 (TSA2012) which stripped Sabah and Sarawak of control over our natural resources.
The Plunder of Sabah and Sarawak’s Wealth
Petronas, as the federal government’s instrument, has been at the forefront of this exploitation. The oil and gas extracted from Sabah and Sarawak have fueled Malaya’s development, building its cities, highways, and industries, while our regions remain among the poorest in Malaysia. The Kimanis-Bintulu pipeline is just one example of how our resources are used to enrich others while we are left with environmental degradation, neglected infrastructure, and broken promises.
It is estimated that 95% of Sabah and Sarawak’s oil and gas revenues are taken by the federal government, with only a pittance returned to our regions. This systematic theft has perpetuated underdevelopment, poverty, and inequality in Sabah and Sarawak, while Malaya thrives on our stolen wealth.
Our Demands
We call on Petronas to:
1. **Immediately decommission all its operations in Sabah and Sarawak** and cease the exploitation of our oil and gas resources.
2. **Hand over all assets and investments** created using the wealth of Sabah and Sarawak to the rightful owners – the people of Sabah and Sarawak.
3. **Provide a full account of all revenues** generated from our resources and compensate Sabah and Sarawak for decades of exploitation.
4. **Pay reparations for the decades of environmental damage, economic exploitation, and underdevelopment** caused by its operations.
We also call on the federal government of Malaysia to:
1. **Restore the rights of Sabah and Sarawak as enshrined in MA63**, including full control over our natural resources.
2. **Repeal oppressive and unconstitutional laws** such as the **Continental Shelf Act 1966, the Petroleum Development Act 1974, and the Territorial Seas Act 2012**, which stripped Sabah and Sarawak of their rights.
3. **Compensate Sabah and Sarawak for the trillions of dollars in oil and gas revenues stolen over the past six decades.**
A Call for Justice and Independence
The people of Sabah and Sarawak have endured **six decades of exploitation, marginalisation, and broken promises** in Malaysia. We are treated as colonies, not equal partners, in a federation that was supposed to bring us development and prosperity. Instead, we have been left impoverished, while our resources are used to develop Malaya and enrich its elites.
Our struggle for **justice and independence** is not just a political issue; it is a moral imperative. We stand in solidarity with all oppressed peoples around the world who fight for their rights, dignity, and self-determination. Just as the world supports the Palestinian struggle for freedom, we call on the international community to **recognize and support the legitimate aspirations of the people of Sabah and Sarawak**.
The time has come to end the colonial exploitation of Sabah and Sarawak. **We demand the return of our stolen wealth, the restoration of our rights, and the freedom to determine our own future.**
Enough is enough!
**Signed:** **01/02/2025**
**Danial John Jambun**
President, Borneo Peoples’ Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BOPIMAFO)
**Robert Pei**
President, Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ)
Berikut adalah terjemahan dalam Bahasa Malaysia:
**1 Februari 2025**
Kami, Yayasan Penderitaan Rakyat Borneo di Malaysia (BOPIMAFO) dan Hak Sabah Sarawak Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ), dengan tegas mengecam eksploitasi berterusan terhadap sumber minyak dan gas Sabah serta Sarawak oleh Petronas dan kerajaan persekutuan Malaysia. Laporan terbaru mengenai tindakan Petronas untuk menamatkan operasi paip gas Kimanis-Bintulu bernilai USD 4.6 bilion, hanya selepas 10 tahun pembinaannya, adalah bukti jelas salah urus serta pengabaian terhadap hak dan kesejahteraan rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak.
Paip gas ini, yang dibina dengan hasil kekayaan yang disedut keluar dari Sabah dan Sarawak, adalah simbol rompakan sistematik terhadap sumber daya kita. Sebaliknya, keuntungan daripada minyak dan gas kita digunakan untuk membangunkan Semenanjung Malaysia serta memperkayakan golongan elitnya, sementara wilayah kita terus kekal miskin dan tidak berkembang. Ini adalah pelanggaran nyata terhadap Perjanjian Malaysia 1963 (MA63) dan janji-janji yang dibuat kepada rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak semasa pembentukan Malaysia. Penamatan operasi paip ini bukan sekadar keputusan teknikal; ia adalah bukti kegagalan kerajaan persekutuan untuk menunaikan janji-janjinya serta meneruskan eksploitasi gaya kolonial terhadap tanah air kita.
Malaysia ditubuhkan dengan tujuan untuk membangunkan Sabah dan Sarawak, bukan menjadikan kami sebagai koloni untuk dieksploitasi. Namun, kerajaan persekutuan terus memusatkan kawalan ke atas wilayah kami dan menindas hak serta autonomi kami. Penyingkiran tidak sah Ketua Menteri Sarawak, Stephen Kalong Ningkan, pada tahun 1966 menandakan permulaan kepada hakisan hak kami. Ini diikuti dengan pengenalan undang-undang yang menindas dan tidak berperlembagaan seperti **Akta Pelantar Benua 1966 (CSA66), Akta Pembangunan Petroleum 1974 (PDA74), dan Akta Laut Wilayah 2012 (TSA2012)** yang telah merampas kawalan Sabah dan Sarawak ke atas sumber asli kami.
### **Rompakan Kekayaan Sabah dan Sarawak**
Petronas, sebagai instrumen kerajaan persekutuan, berada di barisan hadapan dalam eksploitasi ini. Minyak dan gas yang diekstrak dari Sabah dan Sarawak telah digunakan untuk membangun Semenanjung Malaysia – membina bandar-bandar, lebuh raya, dan industri-industri mereka, sementara Sabah dan Sarawak kekal antara wilayah termiskin di Malaysia. Paip Kimanis-Bintulu hanyalah satu contoh bagaimana sumber kita digunakan untuk memperkayakan orang lain sementara kita ditinggalkan dengan kemusnahan alam sekitar, infrastruktur yang diabaikan, dan janji-janji kosong.
Dianggarkan **95% daripada hasil minyak dan gas Sabah dan Sarawak disedut oleh kerajaan persekutuan**, dengan hanya sedikit yang dikembalikan ke wilayah kami. Kecurian sistematik ini telah menyebabkan kemunduran berterusan, kemiskinan, dan ketidaksamaan di Sabah dan Sarawak, sementara Semenanjung Malaysia menikmati kekayaan hasil daripada sumber kita yang dicuri.
### **Tuntutan Kami**
Kami menyeru Petronas untuk:
1. **Segera menamatkan semua operasinya di Sabah dan Sarawak** serta menghentikan eksploitasi terhadap sumber minyak dan gas kami.
2. **Menyerahkan semua aset dan pelaburan** yang telah dibina menggunakan kekayaan Sabah dan Sarawak kepada pemilik sebenar – rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak.
3. **Mendedahkan sepenuhnya rekod hasil pendapatan** yang dijana daripada sumber kami dan membayar pampasan kepada Sabah dan Sarawak atas eksploitasi selama beberapa dekad.
4. **Membayar ganti rugi atas kerosakan alam sekitar, eksploitasi ekonomi, dan kemunduran pembangunan** akibat operasi Petronas di Sabah dan Sarawak.
Kami juga menuntut kerajaan persekutuan Malaysia untuk:
1. **Mengembalikan hak Sabah dan Sarawak seperti yang termaktub dalam MA63**, termasuk kawalan penuh ke atas sumber asli kami.
2. **Membatalkan undang-undang yang menindas dan tidak berperlembagaan** seperti **Akta Pelantar Benua 1966, Akta Pembangunan Petroleum 1974, dan Akta Laut Wilayah 2012** yang telah merampas hak Sabah dan Sarawak.
3. **Membayar pampasan kepada Sabah dan Sarawak atas trilion dolar hasil minyak dan gas yang telah dicuri selama enam dekad terakhir.**
### **Seruan Kepada Keadilan dan Kebebasan**
Rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak telah menanggung **enam dekad eksploitasi, peminggiran, dan janji-janji yang dimungkiri** dalam Malaysia. Kami dilayan seperti koloni, bukan sebagai rakan setara dalam persekutuan yang sepatutnya membawa pembangunan dan kesejahteraan kepada kami. Sebaliknya, kami dibiarkan miskin sementara sumber kami digunakan untuk membangunkan Semenanjung Malaysia dan memperkayakan golongan elit mereka.
Perjuangan kami untuk **keadilan dan kebebasan** bukan sekadar isu politik; ia adalah satu tuntutan moral. Kami berdiri teguh bersama semua bangsa yang tertindas di seluruh dunia dalam perjuangan mereka untuk hak, maruah, dan penentuan nasib sendiri. Seperti mana dunia menyokong perjuangan rakyat Palestin untuk kebebasan, kami menyeru masyarakat antarabangsa untuk **mengiktiraf dan menyokong aspirasi sah rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak**.
Sudah tiba masanya untuk menghentikan eksploitasi kolonial terhadap Sabah dan Sarawak. **Kami menuntut pemulangan kekayaan kami yang dicuri, pemulihan hak kami, dan kebebasan untuk menentukan masa depan kami sendiri.**
**Cukup sudah!**
**Ditandatangani:** **01/02/2025**
**Danial John Jambun**
Presiden, Yayasan Penderitaan Rakyat Borneo di Malaysia (BOPIMAFO)
**Robert Pei**
Presiden, Hak Sabah Sarawak Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ)
Subscribe Below:
And where is your mandate to demand the handing over through decommissioning of the Bintulu Kimanis oil pipeline to "the people" of Sabah and Sarawak? Under what provision of the federal constitution of Malaysia do you assume such powers?
" We, the Borneo Peoples’ Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BOPIMAFO) and the Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ), strongly condemn the continued exploitation of Sabah and Sarawak’s oil and gas resources by Petronas and the federal government of Malaysia. The recent reports of Petronas decommissioning the $4.6 billion Kimanis-Bintulu gas pipeline, merely 10 years after its construction, is a stark reminder of the mismanagement and disregard for the rights and well-being of the people of Sabah and Sarawak. "
Being a former student communists leader does not give you Robert Pei or Daniel Jambun or your colleagues the right to advocate on behalf of a Chinese dominated group ( you refer to as the "People" hiding behind your unmandated group to demand anything for "the people" of Sabah and Sarawak". If not the which people specifically do you refer to.
Can you demonstrate any scientific or financial knowledge to support your bald asertions other than a mere anti Malay rant in support of destabilization of the Malay majority in Malaysia to be replaced by the opportunistic Chinese waitig in the wings?