PLKN 3.0: Why does Malaysian youth have to be subject to bullying and sexual abuse again?
National Service 3.0 just an accuse for cronies to get richer
With the latest announcement by the Madani government that Malaysian youth will be once again be subject to potential abuse, bullying, and sexual assault in the fast-tracked National Service Training Programme (PLKN) version 3.0 once again, one has to ask doesn’t greed and cronyism have its limits.
Deputy defence minister Adly Zahari announced the program will commence first at two military camps in Kaula Lumpur and Pahang, before being fully rolled out to the rest of the nation by 2026.
RM 50 million has been allocated in the recent budget for crony companies to supply uniforms, food, and other contracts, that will enhance the wealth of a small and closed group of cronies, who have already been earmarked and selected.
In the previous national service programs, there were many stories of bullying by instructors, to the point some received injuries and deaths.
Has every parent forgotten that the national service program back in 2013, had 23 deaths. An 18 year-old succumbed to leptospirosis or rat fever, a Sikh youth woke up to find his hair had been cut while asleep, while another was found dead one morning, without any explanation as to why he died. There were brawls where some were bullied and injured, while an 18 year-old was brutally sexually assaulted and gang raped. Another student was found unconscious in a toilet, once again without any explanation and pronounced dead on arrival at hospital. Another case involved a youth with asthma, attacked by a group. It wasn’t uncommon for girls as youth as 17 to be raped by those responsible for their safety.
The above doesn’t include those who died or were injured during training exercises, and those who got sick from unhygienic food.
Parents must put their foot down and oppose this scheme if they want to safeguard their children from potential harm. Malaysians are still just getting over the news of the violence and sexual assaults that occurred in GISBH facilities, where the government no empathy towards the victims at all.
Its dangerous to trust the government to take custody of the nations’ children in the name of ethnic harmony.
The beneficiaries of this new national service initiative have no concern over the safety and wellbeing of future participants. They just see this new national service plan as an opportunity to make money.
If the government was serious, they would open up selective constriction to the armed services to enhance and build up the nation’s military in the light of potential threats, and national disaster relief. Reestablishing this pretend national service program only benefits the cronies who gain new work contracts from the scheme.
No one wants to see the situation where the dead from PLKN 3.0 will be counted again.
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And why not? Why does everyoe want to subscribe to the Western Homosexual narrative that discipline is bullying?