Press Release: Pfizer Papers - Covid-19 vaccine must be immediately withdrawn
Ahmad Jufliz bin Dato' Faiza
Press Release.24.12.2024
1.PRM calls for the immediate formation of a Special People's Task Force consisting of 20 medical experts selected from the Ministry of Health Malaysia and another 20 independent international medical experts to investigate the book "Pfizer Papers: Pfizer's Crimes Against Humanity" edited by Naomi Wolf & Amy Kelly in 2024.
Based on primary source Pfizer clinical trial documents that have been revealed through court order, the Pfizer Papers have revealed that the Pfizer Covid-19 mRNA clinical trial was DEEPLY FLAWED; that Pfizer knew from November 2020 that the Covid-19 mRNA "vaccine" was not safe or effective; knew from February 2021, that Covid-19 mRNA injections can cause various serious side effects including death; knew from April 2021 that Covid-19 mRNA injections can cause damage to the hearts of young people;
3. The order of US District Judge in the Northern District of Texas Mart T Pittman in disclosing Pfizer's clinical trial documents including Pfizer's post-marketing documents shows the people that the public disclosure of Pfizer documents is very important; "A popular Government, without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy"; "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people".
4. PRM urges that all forms of mRNA "vaccines" or any "vaccines" for the use of Malaysians must be discontinued pending the investigation and decision of the People's Special Task Force later.
5. This People's Special Power Position is important to restore the People's Trust Deficit towards Public Health Policy which has been seen to have committed negligence, fraud and medical malpractice on a large scale since the Covid-19 Pandemic and the country needs the scientific community from within and outside the Government to respond to the serious current issue regarding the use of mRNA "vaccines" especially since the Covid-19 Pandemic and also any future national vaccine immunization program.
6. PRM is aware that there are more than 450,000 pages related to the detailed clinical trials that Pfizer conducted regarding the Covid 19 mRNA injection and also including post-marketing documents made for 3 months from 1.12.2020 to 28.2.2021 and the Pfizer Papers have at least succeeded in exposing the flaws in Pfizer's clinical trials.
7. With this disclosure, PRM urges the Ministry of Health Malaysia to no longer repeat the mistakes made by the US FDA. Many who have taken the injection until now, are unaware that the normal safety tests for any new vaccine; the test took 10 -12 years - but in the case of the Covid 19 Pandemic, it was only through a mechanism called EUA/Emergency Use Authorization/Authorized for Emergency Reasons by the FDA; Malaysia at that time just followed the American FDA, with conditional approval. What the People did not know was that the test was actually done on all of us, the People of the World, as if the People were being tested like Lab Rats; And without informed consent; And Pfizer and the FDA knew before the "roll out" and after the "roll out" that the effects of taking this injection were dangerous and could cause death; It was even more surprising when we learned that the FDA initially applied to the court not to disclose Pfizer's data for 75 years. Why does this government agency want to cover up important documents until the current generation, who are affected by what is in this document, die and will not be around anymore? It is also very strange when the FDA approved Pfizer's application within 108 days on 23.8.2021 when Pfizer provided all these clinical trial reports but to disclose to the public, they applied to disclose the reports within 75 years?
8. PRM is very concerned that even though the FDA tried to hold back the disclosure of Pfizer documents, when this disclosure was allowed by the court, the FDA still tried to hide this data from the public and let many Americans and us in Malaysia be injected with the Pfizer mRNA Covid-19 "vaccine" which is dangerous and can cause death without informed consent. Although there were situations where the vaccine was mandatory at that time but in the case of Malaysia even though it was voluntary -- the excessive promotion of the Malaysian Ministry of Health at that time caused many people to take the Covid 19 vaccine injection in the PICK program without informed consent and those who did not have a passport vaccine were discriminated against so that they could not work, were fired, could not cross the border, enter supermarkets or worship at mosques etc.
9. Regarding PFIZER's post-marketing report, it has recorded serious side effects and deaths due to the experimental use of mRNA gene therapy for Covid-19. There are 1291 side effects in appendix 1 of the report.9. The report also states that:
I. Within 90 days of the test being conducted on 1.12.2020, there were 1,223 deaths but Pfizer still concluded in the report that there were no new safety issues;
II. Out of 42,086 cases, side effects in women [29,914/71%] were 3 times more common than in men [9,182/21.8%];
III. There were 175 cases for those under the age of 17 where it is not known how many doses were given to children under 12 years old without informed consent during that time; Side effects found in children include Bell's palsy in a 1-year-old child, stroke in a 7-year-old child and renal failure in a baby less than 23 months old;
IV. For the category of pregnant mothers, 56 fetuses and babies died; 54 cases of pregnancy, the baby was no longer alive at birth; BNT162b2 has never been approved for use during pregnancy or lactation during the collection of data for post-marketing;
V. No informed consent was made by the FDA during the ‘roll out’ to the public despite knowing beforehand that there were serious side effects regarding the Covid19 mRNA ‘vaccine’, and in fact did not provide this information to the public;
VI. The clinical trial results are divided into 4 parts, namely "Unknown" there are 9,400/22%, "Recovered/Recovering" cases there are 19,582/47% cases, "Not recovered at time of report" there are 11,361 cases & "Recovered with sequele" there are 520 cases in total 27% cases and Fatal 1,223/2.9 cases; If we add all this up, almost 97% of cases, the effects are unknown but 2.9% of cases we know the effects are death; In short, why is "recovered/recovering" combined? It seems that Pfizer is trying to show that the category that has been "recovered" looks good; And how do we distinguish between "Recovering" and "Not recovered at time of report"?
10. Finally, PRM would like to emphasize that as an Executive government administration that upholds the principles of Integrity, Accountability and Good Governance, it is obligatory for the Madani government and the Ministry of Public Health not to hide under the Official Secrets Act in this issue, in fact the People are worried because the Covid-19 mRNA "vaccine" product is protected by the government; Why is the liability product by the manufacturer and the "middleman" who gives the Covid-19 mRNA "vaccine" to the People as consumers protected by the government? "This is unprecedented" Many People are discriminated against to the point of being fired and cannot worship in the Mosque etc. just because there is no passport vaccine; In fact, this violates the fundamental rights guaranteed by Article 5 of the Federal Constitution where no People can be deprived of their life and personal freedom. This right has no constitutional limits whether from the perspective of security, public order, morality or on the basis of public health. In fact, the rights of the People from the perspective of religion or belief must always be respected; What is even worse is that because the government protects the manufacturer Pfizer and the "middlemen" [who have made huge profits in the sale of this "vaccine"] how can the People as consumers obtain compensation for injuries and deaths caused by taking the Covid-19 mRNA "vaccine"?; With the interests of the manufacturers to make huge profits but the safety of their products is protected by the government, this "creates a moral hazard and departs from the product liability doctrine"; This is also a violation under the Consumer Protection Act.
Ahmad Jufliz bin Dato' Faiza
President of the Malaysian People's Party
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Good for Malaysia! May others quickly follow suit.