Press Statement by PSM: PSM calls for a high level independent task force to be formed to investigate the bomb found in activist lawyer Siti Kasim’s car.
A clear and present danger for all Malaysians
The confirmation by police that it is indeed a bomb is alarming and is shocking. Though we don’t want to speculate at this point of time but past incidents which happened on the enforced disappearance of Pastor Koh and Amri as well as the classified information not being revealed gives the impression that there is an organised crime taking place which has not been resolved. PSM is in solidarity with Siti Kasim and stand by her. The Police need to definitely give her protection and ensure her safety is not compromised.
PSM deputy Chairperson
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Siti Kassim and the 'bomb' needs to be closely scrutinized by the police for the fact it is Siti Kassim that is at the centre of this spectacle. Who placed it there. By whom and how it was discovered. From the photograph it appears to be a crude molotov cocktail type of device incapable of a remotely triggered explosion.
Many suspect this is a part of what many more believe is a Factitious disorder- a serious mental disorder in which someone deceives others by appearing sick, by purposely getting sick or by self-injury to draw attention to themselves - Previously known as Munchausen's syndrome.
Kassim has a colourful and long documented history of drawing attention to herself with outrage and vulgarity in a nation not quite used to such conduct- especially from a lawyer- An example is that notorious incident where she made a display of her brand of decorum by sticking her middle finger to the public, presumably to make a point - 'giving the bird' and using crude expressions to get it across. But what is her point? many ask.
One can be forgiven for suspecting this is something of a political stunt considering that provincial or state elections are just round the corner in Malaysia. There appears to be more to this "bomb" than meets the eye.
The commentary featuring a smiling Siti with a summary of her ideas of what an intelligent (or clever as she puts it) person is and her class values appended as a footnote to the 'bomb' sensation, the subject of the article by another politician, appears to support the suspicion that this is a political stunt.
It is diffficult to see how a rational mind could accept such tripe to which Siti Kassim, a legal practitioner could lend her name, and her persona to something as absurd as this footnote be taken seriously, her a summary of whats 'wrong with Malaysia' complete with 'bomb' attached.
As for her reasons for why Malaysia is "going down the drain", it would appear that the standards of the legal profession in Malaysia in the form of Siti Kassim's "erudite" expression in her summary is more of a demonstration of the point she and her loyal friend the author of the article seek to make.
Siti, when one closely analyses her past performance in trying to impress in the legal socio political arena is, as they say in Texas "All hat and no cattle".
Lets hope that the 'bomb' is indeed as many suspect a gimmick or hoax rather than something real. A damp squib.
We cannot afford to be declared emergency. The election must go on.
You maybe an angry person but if you are knowledgeable, you will be less restless. Be
guided. You will be fulfilled.
Adab is the fruits of knowledge. Ignorant is why you are Bi adab.