I am over whelmed how popular this section is. I want to make this section more regular in the future.
Thank you readers for your support.
Here are some selected readers comments on the question;
Do you feel disadvantaged in any way? How?
“I feel sorry for the disadvantaged minority races who could not further themselves and had to go overseas with financial constraints to seek a better life.”
“Yes, it definitely affects all our livelihood. The scope of doing business is getting smaller and smaller. My foreign partners laughed at us”
“I felt terribly disadvantaged as a non-person. Marginalized so much it drove me to the other side of the world.”
“I have a Master's in Economics, I speak 5 languages, I am a successful entrepreneur. Late in life, I reinvented myself as Communications Manager for a non-profit. I am now a digital nomad. Malaysia's loss is my personal gain.”
“of course ! when you live in a system of apartheid all your life - you will know how you have been deprived in opportunities in respect of education, jobs, career, and the future.”
“Ethnic Chinese do get discrimination in policy, but overall i think everyone is being equally suppressed by an oppressive regime. I see no hope for the future of the country and have left the country with no more intent of returning.”
“As a non-Malay, of course I feel disadvantaged in every way but since I am out of the
market, I do not feel disadvantaged.”
”As a non Muslim from Mahathir times I have see the worst prejudice against non Muslims. Luckily the non Muslims support each other and the young ones migrate.”
“The disadvantages stems from discrimination towards non-Malays or non- Muslims.
a) Discrimination in the appointments in the civil service whether it is at federal or state level, Priority are given to Malay Muslims. This includes promotion. The non-Malays are always bypass for higher or better level position.
b) Non-Malay student with fantastic result gets very little acceptance into local universities, this include the awards of scholarship.”
“Yes but the methods employed by the government has actually made me to be a survivor and become much stronger when i fish for myself instead of waiting to be spoon fed by the government.”
“In terms of politics, business, the civil service, education, housing etc. only the the ethnic Malays are advantaged through 'affirmative actions'. The other races are on their own even though we pay the same taxes if not more!”
“Yes I am one of those in late 70's being denied University Study even I had passed my HSE (A Level) vs my Malay Classmates who had scored worse than my results.”
“Greatly disadvantaged as a Chinese”
Quote of the day:
“Of course!! Is this question a joke?”
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My Malaysia is a paradise lost. As a non, born in 1957, I have seen and lived through the despairing slide to the bottom. My children have left and settled abroad, with my blessing. The Malays will decide the trajectory of tanah air ku and given that, it does not bode well.
Not just feeling disadvantaged, it is felt quite openly. There are more opportunities that are opened for Malays in Malaysia than for others. It is an open secret that even the liberal Malays, again in Malaysia, who are benefit from the racial economic imbalance, sitting quietly and not wishing to rock the boat. Yet call themselves "educated and liberal". It will take a miracle for Malaysia to turn around as the decay and rot has been left to fester way too long. BTN grandfathers have taught their sons and their sons in turn have taught their offspring, and the unquestioning Malay mind over the way a skewed practice of Islam is allowed to propogate, no questions - follow, or be ostracized by the community has culminated, in short " the halalism" of practicing racial economic and political policies which caters solely for the Malay community. Having lived through the 50's, this decay is not seen nor is it felt by any of the young Malays, born, post 1975. It is a different story for the "others". Malaysia needs to bottom out, a sort of a re-boot, in order to rise again. Whether or not it can will depend on it's rakyat, many way too dumbed down, unwise and needing to be told what to think and do, without questioning minds so well indoctrinated in schools and local tertiary institutions. Armed with their paper degrees, less creative laterally thinking minds, they head for the employment market, hardly worth the minimum wage as they are good for churning out mediocre products. One or two brilliant minds shine through, but far too few and in-between. I've employed a couple after a long thorough search and selection. Sieving through hundreds of CV's, painfully clear, most are clearly ill prepared for the employment market. My idea of the re-set requires the country to crash. All who live in it will suffer, idiots and geniuses alike, the lucky will bugger off to their second homes elsewhere. Most of the Malays will be in deep trouble for without their crutch, they are ill prepared to eke out a living. Expect crime to escalate to record levels, policing will be "privatised" for the rich and VIP's. Breadlines will form, soup kitchens, mostly halal, will flourish. Malaysia, as I knew her, is close to death. Euthanasia will be the best option. I truly wish to be corrected, and live in the hope that it will change for the better, one day, knowing it won't be in my lifetime.