What are the major issues and challenges facing Malaysia today?
“Corruption, cronyism, racism, religious intolerance. The main religion talks a lot but breaks every rule of law.”
“It is very obvious. Corruptions, scandals, no clear leadership, and stupid policies must go. We need to win back the investors with good and sincere policies. If we continue we will Die Standing.”
“Corruption, conflict of interest, self-dealing, cronyism, division -- all facets of the same conundrum.”
“Too many to mention - it is a failed state !”
“Bad governance to the point of being close to a failed state, a kiasu/ keh si culture, idealogues with very little sense or awareness of social issues, self centered, the problem extends beyond incompetence to include problems of the weak chinese culture described at the end of the 1800s and early 1900s by Lu Xun (Zhou Shu Ren)’s works (e.g. A biography of Mr Q).”
“Too many entrenched corrupt people in government and the civil service.”
“No leadership – corruption, bribery among those in power, including the useless Sultans and Agong.”
“a) Poor governance
b) Corruption
c) Abuse of power
d) Racial and religious discrimination.
e) Poor handling of the economy.”
“Corruption and abuse of power at all levels.”
“Major issues/challenges faced centre around good/fair governance; transparency; check & balance, accountability, practice of meritocracy and endemic corruption.”
“Current Major Issues are Education in National School/University promoting more Islamic Studies churning out a lot of Unproductive Islamic Graduates (if Governement can afford to employ them), not contributing much towards to Malaysia GDP.
NEP/Bumiputra Agenda /Company Shares equity need to be a free market concept to attract more foreign investment for future growth/tax income unlike current Malaysia relied more on Petronas Tax.”
“Corruption corruption corruption”
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Frankly I don't mind you cried like a baby here, but by all mean go somewhere and cry please.! Don't waste your times, my times and everybody times here will yah.
You don't even know Politics is Corruptions arh..?? Here, Politics is all about Corruptions ever since ancient times after the School of Thoughts were established in this planet.
Will yah please tell us which country or it opposition party's are not corrupted in this whole planet..?? If you can't, please STFU..!!
Instead of wasting your valuable times in Tanah Melayu. You should consider packing up taking your moneys and love one's including land's belonging to you back to your Motherland. It totally corruptions free lol. Alternatively you can also consider locating to Thailand like most Malaysians did. Thailand warmly welcome Malaysians as they made up the largest group of travelers, investors and expats from aboard to Thailand every years.