Religious Affairs Minister Idris Ahmad has let down the Ummah
Making noise over Oktoberfest while silent on the nation’s lack of halal integrity
Malaysia’s stubborn Minister for Religious Affairs Idris Ahmad is once again making a noise over the multi-cultural Oktoberfest which has been held for years on end in Malaysia, while admitting it is impossible to guarantee the halal integrity of meat coming into Malaysia from overseas sources.
According to media reports, Idris Ahmad says the Oktoberfest event has the potential to disrupt Malaysia’s social harmony and safety. Idris said “non-Muslims aren’t prohibited from consuming alcohol but the Oktoberfest events could trigger social problems since it’s held in a public festival setting and alcohol is consumed openly.” Going on Idris said “that the intoxicating effects of alcohol can lead to problems such as domestic violence, traffic accidents, poverty, fights, health problems and work performance issues.”
One worrying comment Idris made was “On Oktoberfest, everyone should respect the rules and laws of Malaysia. Islam is the federal religion.” This infers Malaysia is an Islamic state rather than a multicultural country.
Just last month, Idris said that Muslims should not go to the Bon Odori, Japanese cultural festival, that was held in Selangor. The festival features traditional Japanese dances, alongside stalls selling Japanese merchandise and food. Like the Oktoberfest, Bo Odori has been staged every year, since the 1970s.
Idris’s comments over the Bon Odori festival met with displeasure from the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, who stated that the Bon Odori festival organized by the Japanese community in Malaysia, doesn’t have any religious elements and Muslims have no problem if they attend. Sultan Sharafuddin officiated the opening ceremony of the festival and had requested his minister Idris to attend.
Idris decided to insult the Sultan by not attending. Challenging the will of sultans is considered strictly taboo within Malay culture. Historically Royal households enjoy the highest stature within Malay society, where their rulings are respected and accepted without public questioning.
This is a direct challenge to Royal prerogative, and blatantly disrespects the Sultan’s position as head of Islam in Selangor. Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah was also appointed by the Conference of Rulers as chairman of the National Council for Islamic Religious Affairs Malaysia (MKI), and placed JAKIM under his direct jurisdiction.
Minister Idris not so noisy over lapses in halal integrity
Idris is so concerned that Muslims might stay from their faith in Islam from multi-cultural festivals, but isn’t too concerned that the Ummah is consuming non-halal and in some cases haram meat imported into the country.
Haram meat being labelled as halal for Malaysian consumption
Sine the writer broke the news about breaches in halal protocols at the TFI abattoir in Lobethal, Australia, here have now been numerous reports of breaches in halal protocols in abattoirs in Australia. Utusan Malaysia has been covering the issue thoroughly and exposed many other breaches in halal protocols at a number of Australian abattoirs. In fact, JAKIM suspended imports of mutton from the TFI plant more than two months ago, but until today has not told the public the results of its findings.
The fact that imports of meat into Malaysia from the TFI plant are still suspended until today indicates something is not right. In the light of Utusan’s further reporting of wider breaches at other plants, Malaysian halal integrity is still lapsing, without the minister Idris doing anything to correct the issues involved.
Idris Ahmad, chided those who criticized the Malaysian Department for Islamic Development (JAKIM) for being slow and inefficient in dealing with corruption allegations. Idris continued, saying that those who criticized JAKIM committed a sin.
In fact, Idris has lied to the public on the issue, in an effort to cover up.
Idris is following his leader’s principle that it’s better to lie than tell the truth to forward the cause of Islam, incorrectly asserted that “the country relied on only 18 per cent of imported beef supply from the Thomas Foods International (TFI) Lobethal abattoir in Australia, which allegedly breached slaughtering standard operating procedures, food safety, hygiene and halal standards.”
Idris Ahmad is noisy over issues like Bon Odori and Oktoberfest, but remains mostly quiet over the important issue of halal integrity. Malaysians are eating non-halal and haram meat that has been certified as halal on a daily basis now.
The writer has been waiting now for three months for permission to interview the Director General of JAKIM Hakimah Mohd Yusoff on the issue and is still waiting.
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