Ronnie Liu on the DAP on the eve of GE15
A from the heart statement by Ronnie Liu 11th October 2022
This is a message from my heart.
The time has come for me to review my position and assess my political future in DAP.
There are seasons in every person’s life and perhaps I am going through the winter of my life. Being a perpetual optimist Spring season will come again
1.1 DAP has been a good principled party led by luminaries like the late comrades Dr Chen Man Hin and Karpal Singh
1.2 Our pioneering leaders were focused on Integrity, Ethics, Accountability, Honesty and Fair Play
1.3 The late Saudara Karpal Singh was disgusted with “frog jumping” culture
1.4 The late Saudara Dr Chen Man Hin led by “leadership by example”, he even sold his private land to save the DAP when DAP was decimated in an earlier General Election
1.5 Our DAP core values have NOT changed. BUT certain party leaders today have changed AFTER experiencing the 3P’s of Power Position and Perks of office during the 22 month Federal Rule.
1.6 As a result, certain DAP leaders are now postulating that “The End Justifies the Means” to become ministers again.
2.1 I joined DAP in 1982, shortly after the general elections. I have cofounded the Sungei Way Subang Branch the same year
2.2 I have been inspired by leaders in the past for fighting against injustices at the peril of their OWN life. Many have l been incarcerated under the draconian ISA (Internal Security Act)
2.3 Having gone through the University of Life, I can resonate with the poor and marginalized voters which form the bedrock of our voters and the bulk of our hard core membership.
3.1 After tasted success in 2018 GE14, there is remarkable change in DAP as noticed by grassroot members
3.2 Some of the current leaders are less tolerant to differing opinions
3.3 Under the Westminster Parliamentary Model, the Opposition Leader is respected as Her Majesty “Loyal Opposition Leader” but in DAP any differing view has become “Enemy of the State” that practices “dynastic authoritarian democracy”
3.4 It is interesting to note that even though DAP calls itself democratic, some leaders do not really understand the meaning and principles
3.5 It is naive to believe that democracy is only about “majority rule” and forget that democracy is also about protection of “minority interests”
3.6 The recent amendment of the Constitution allowing the powerful Secretary General to remove any member who disagrees with the CEC is a classical example of “Tyranny of the Majority” where only 54% voted for the change.
Destroying the spirit of the DAP?
3.7 Members observed that the non-voting observers were seated together with voting members which gives rise to the possibility that some non-voting observers could have voted and counted.
3.8 It was also noted a call for a secret ballot was rejected for no good apparent reason
3.9 The Federal Constitution provides for a 2/3 majority in any amendment of the Constitution – Is it not wiser that DAP should ADOPT a higher threshold even if the present DAP constitution does not provide.
3.10 DAP in the past practices a “Whiter than White” policy to show it is more transparent than other political parties
3.11 Certain leaders said the minority should toe the line to follow the majority because DAP lawyers have vetted and the new amendment is legal.
3.12 Following this line of thought, the Federal Court consists of 5 judges all of whom are trained lawyers. In a 3-2 verdict does that mean the 2 dissenting judges should be sacked from the Bench
3.13 In the world of geopolitics, we have seen that majority of powerful countries have bombed and obliterated smaller countries
4.1 Dao bu tong bu xiang wei mou..(道不同不相为谋)
4.2 I have many robust and respectful debates with several of the top leaders for more than a decade on wide ranging issues resulting in divergent views.
4.3 I have tried my level best to work together with them, compromise after compromise.
4.4 Unfortunately, it has now reached a breaking point.
4.5 I for one cannot accept the idea of teaming up with UMNO after the GE15 while we are supposed to work hard to unseat UMNO together with our PAKATAN HARAPAN partners with the support of the voters from all walks of life.
4.6 The last straw that broke the camel’s back happens to be the recent controversial party constitutional amendments.
4.6.1 The amendments, as I have pointed out in our CEC meeting as well as in the party special congress, are a serious infringement on freedom of expression.
4.6.2 I may argue that these amendments are ultra vires to the Federal Constitution, against the spirit of the anti-hopping laws and would inevitably reducing DAP into an undemocratic political party.
4.7 This would be my FINAL REMINDER to the party I loved for more than four decades, in which I have devoted my entire youthful energy and time with blood sweat and tears facing many police water cannons, tear gas and batons.
4.8 The crux of many several issues with the top DAP leadership are as follows:
4.8.1 My protest against Dr Mahathir’s recruitment of frogs from UMNO which was clearly against the wishes and principles of the late Karpal Singh.
4.8.2 His refusal to handover the PM post to Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim
4.8.3 Extension of operating licence for Lynas which was part of our election promise in GE14
4.8.4 The arrest of DAP leaders who were allegedly supporting the LTTE which was already a defunct terrorist organisation
4.8.5 Slashing allocation of fund to TARUC to snipe MCA ignoring the fact that TARUC graduates are all multi racial and are in need of cheaper university fees as compared to private universities.
4.8.6 Subtle introduction of Jawi in primary schools instead of additional science and math classes
4.8.7 Delaying the recognition of UEC exam which has been accepted by universities overseas
4.8.8 No change to the biased quota for matriculation classes
4.8.9 The Extension of toll for the North South PLUS Highway
4.8.10 Etc and many others.
I was given a total of three love letters ie show cause letters in 2020 and 2021.
5.1.1 I am thankful, the grassroot members and several party leaders defended and saved me from being sacked by the party.
5.1.2 It's my DUTY and responsibility to speak the TRUTH without FEAR and FAVOUR as an elected CEC member as well as a Wakil Rakyat.
5.1.3 It pains me to see the party going down a slippery slope right under my NOSE
5.1.4 Dao bu tong bu xiang wei mou...
6.1 The DAP Leaders must immediately put ON HOLD the recent amendments to the Constitution
6.2 I would urge the party not to submit, if submitted should withdraw these amendments to the ROS to prevent a Catch 22 situation.
6.3 The approval by the ROS would signal the beginning of the end of DAP as no autocratic party can survive in a democracy
6.4 If these amendments were turned down by the ROS, the entire party would have to share the shame.
7.1 We need to admit that we DID MAKE mistakes during the 22 months
7.2 It would be seen as great humility if DAP or PH can apologies and our voters will give us a SECOND CHANCE
7.3 We need to make restitution to restore true democracy and accept that differing opinions are a signs of a matured democracy.
8.1 DAP is my life since I was in school
8.2 The party is still a good party with STRONG GRASSROOTS
8.3 I shall remain as a friend of DAP for I still have so many friends and comrades in the party.
8.4 I still subscribe to the pluralistic values of DAP and PAKATAN HARAPAN and will continue to fight for the poor, marginalized and still remain as their voice of the people
8.5 After reading the book “Who Moved My Cheese”- Is it time for me to MOVE on to re-invent myself and continue to serve the people
8.6 Certain leaders are so committed to the 3P’s of Power, Position and Perks of office that they have forgotten the raison detre why DAP was formed
8.7 DAP has fought against Umno and was demonised by UMNO and yet today certain leaders are prepared to sleep with the “DEVIL” for a FEW DOLLARS MORE
8.8 If DAP CANNOT CONTROL TunM as PM then can DAP check and balance UMNO?
9.1 I am a responsible ADUN and will not quit and abandon my supporters and constituents especially during this period of inclement weather when there is great risk of floods
9.2 I do not want the people of sungai pelek to lose its wakil rakyat without a replacement not until the next elections
9.3 I’m afraid the party secretary general has to wait a little longer for my official resignation letter.
Ronnie Liu
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Ronnie Liu sings and sounds like a broken record lamenting the past which is an unproductive thinking instead of learning to let go and move on with current tempo of PAKATAN HARAPAN's Vision and Aspiration towards the forthcoming GE15 in a Teamwork Spirit.