Solidarity with Palestine in schools? Sick, totally and utterly disgusting! Stop it!
Hussein Abdul Hamid
Over and over and over, this Madani government do things that makes us question the sanity of those Madani drivers in the driving seat of this Madani jalopy careering down the road towards ruin and mayhem.
Just this week we have seen the usual suspect: Kanthan farmers. Sabah and Sarawak thumbing their nose at PMX announcement that all letters to Government must be in Bahasa. The falling, falling falling ringgit. Non-Malay Malaysian citizens unable to get scholarships but opportunities given to Palestinians instead at UNITEN. MP Parit Buntar wants bantuan kerajaan for 2,3,and 4 wife. ecetera ecetera...and to end this already giddy week, the mother of all bloopers - the Solidarity with Palestine week in schools : A sick, totally and utterly disgusting idea any which way you want to look at it!
What is the rationale of getting teachers to walk around with guns? Idiots playing at what? Being terrorists? Being Hamas? Are they representing the IDF - Israel Defence Force?
And now PMX says this:
Why now Dato' Sri?
Why shut the stable doors after the horses have bolted.
Why was not some thought put into the possible ramification of such an event?
Are those people in the Ministry of Education dungus...biul...idiots ...who are unable to understand what doing these things in front of impressionable primary school kids can and will do to their brains? Was not the minister of education apprised of these things? She must have known. Off with her head!
All roads in Putrajaya leads to the PMO's office - so why has PMX not stopped the "Solidarity With Palestine" week in school when it was first mooted? The buck stops with PMX.
Enough said
Even the Taliban don't do this in schools.
Amazing PKR and DAP are going along with this.
If PAS did this there would be total outcry.
This is akin to teaching terrorism. Dangerous to standing of Malaysia
Achieves nothing
Anwar has misread the psych of Malays. Malays generally don't like militancy
This is going to lose him all support in the Malay heartlands
PAS will have a field day depicting Anwar as the extremist
Murray Hunter
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We have achieved independence 66 years ago. We should have been moving on to greater heights but instead we have been led astray by the tribalism of the power elites, who incidentally have also been sucking the country dry. Thus we will lose our independence because our power elites have bankrupted our country by their tribal ways.
Murray, in the context of October 7, we are unwittingly aligning ourselves with the Hamas charter that explicitly calls for the annihilation of Jews. That is the conundrum engaging the peaceful Muslim world.
Two hundred years ago, Nat Turner, who conducted the largest slave rebellion in the US, is eerily similar. Turner was a religious fanatic who believed he acted on God's word and called for the annihilation of white people, not just soldiers and enslavers, but women and children. In hopelessness and anger, he and his group went on a killing spree, raising the price so high that two presidencies later, Lincoln enacted the law abolishing slavery.
In post-war periods, given that the concepts of justice are distinct from peace, let us pray that the 'handiwork' of Hamas on October 7 is a high enough price for Israel and the world to recognise the plight of the Palestinians towards a peaceful solution.