"their antisemitic stand"

Presumably the stand of those charmingly labelled "goys" by the ethno-nationalist Zionist racists.

If you are unfamiliar with the "goy" label, it is same as the Nazi "untermensch" meaning "subhuman".

If those in the yeshivas would tell you, they learn the blacks are descended from dogs. Blacks include brown and yellow.

Rather weird considering the chosen ones, the true Jews should be black like Ethiopians, Yemenis, etc who are descriminated in Israel by the converts (Askenazis) who are pink.

DNA test are legally forbidden in Israel (in case the "chosen ones" turn out to be pinkies and not from anywhere near the "promised land" at all.

So "antisemite", my camel's arse, shouldn't be bantered around, and made a gift that keeps giving to keep the "goys" in check.

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Nov 23, 2023·edited Nov 23, 2023

The letter in the article was declassified in May 2015, the Nov 2002 letter was another one.

❝Osama bin Laden's undated letter to the American people is one of 113 documents declassified by the Director of National Intelligence on Tuesday.

The letter, seized in the May 2, 2011, raid on bin Laden's Abbottabad hideout, begins: "To the American people, peace be upon those who follow the righteous track."

The document is part of a second batch translated and released by US intelligence agencies.

The first set of papers was declassified in May 2015.❞

Quote from:


P.S. reply me if you are interested in reading the 2002 letter.

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The protocol of elders of zion is probably true.so is tun m when he said the jews control the world by proxy.

It is unthinkable that the americans and europeans did not condemn israel for mass murdering innocent babies and children, women and civilians.

Why? Its the jew. They dominate the world. They funded wars, create and control central banks,architected the world bank,imf,wef and now wto,esg and chip wars. Soon, even the pandemic treaty.

Bush,obama,trump and biden are fronts to these jewish money masters.

Osama is spot on. We need the chinese,russians,iranians and the gang to stop the zionist. They are sick people.

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