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Tiada Guru invites you to follow the Rakyat Bangkit series. This series aims to share severe educational & cultural issues in the Ministry of Education (and also the Government), in an easy-to-understand way. We are familiar with the issue of two degrees, the issue of integrity, the issue of corruption that is getting worse. What does all the issues have to do with? The answer to that question is the purpose of the Rakyat Bangkit series, from the perspective of civil servant informants. We will share rare news & systemic issues, with speakers who specialize in Sabah, individual human rights, and oppression. Think of the Rakyat Bangkit series as the beginning to really understand the problems and hopes of our country. Many do not know or have not really seen the Malaysian government system. The Rise of the People thesis, which will try to show the reality of our country, begins with an analysis: are we now in a system of neo-colonism, when there is an upper class with power and ordinary people under it? This is for sure: this series will speak with freedom without censorship.
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New Reality Justice | Addy Samsudin. Who is the Defendant sued by this former student in these two suits? 1) Mohd. Jainal Jamran (teacher of SMK Taun Gusi; allegedly missed for months) 2) Hj Suid Hj Hanapi (in the capacity of Principal of SMK Taun Gusi) 3) Kota Belud District Education Office (PPD) Officer 4) Director of Sabah State Education Department (JPN) 5) Director General, Ministry of Education Malaysia 6) Minister of Education, Ministry of Education Malaysia 7) Why did the Federal Government of Malaysia sue everyone? Because they should be clean, trustworthy and fair authorities, but they betray our children. Behind this lawsuit is also a big message to Malaysians that truth and justice are the highest values that must be fought for together with people from other regions and states throughout Malaysia. Source: https://tiada.guru/updates/penghakiman-mahkamah-tinggi-2020
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Three Critical Needs | Addy Samsudin. For the people to live safely and fairly, the obstacles are quite large. We can see from one angle when there is a case of misconduct at school. Who is protected even if he is a delinquent? Who is threatened even if he dares to report? This is Malaysia. Why is corruption increasingly accepted as normal? 1) Investigations are not conducted fairly, and 2) Witnesses are not protected but instead threatened and threatened, and 3) The process to get justice is not transparent. Of course the offenders and the gang leaders are very happy with the current system, right? They automatically win.
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What is a corrupt system? It is in any agency and ministry. Happens in schools too. Maybe we face it every day. Now that Sabah politicians are in the corruption scandal, there is no arrest even though there is video evidence of them confessing, after that the newly appointed TYT of Sabah was charged with 46x corruption, but the case was retracted. How can all of them auto win with this system? Try to see from the power of the Prime Minister. The PM advises and appoints the Attorney General and the MACC Chief. The Attorney General & MACC will prosecute anyone who has a corruption case. "For example, if there is a corruption case by the Prime Minister, is the head of the MACC willing to investigate the person who appointed him?" For example, what will happen to the Deputy Government if the Prime Minister orders the Attorney General / MACC to prosecute Sabah politicians from the Government's coalition party?
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Why are whistleblowers denied protection | Are you a witness or an informant? With the current system...... Maybe it's a waste of time to make a report. We have easily covered up everything with cases of treachery and corruption that we know. Why? Because we know, if we report, we will also have to go back. Are civil servants, mothers, students, village people? Offenders from among the superiors will definitely escape.
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Risk when daring to speak up | Today, any case of misconduct that we report, we cannot come to our superiors empty-handed. We must have a support system from the people. Expect superiors? They are more evil. This is some evidence that witnesses and informants were "punished" when they exposed the misconduct and corruption of corrupt officials. Ain Husniza and Lalitha have the full support of Malaysians. This strength is what the people need now. The people's struggle must be met with great courage and fighting spirit.
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Is there a transparent & firm investigation? | How can the law be the savior of corrupt parties? Fact 1: Politicians are legislators in Parliament. Fact 2: Politicians are the most corrupt and corrupt people. Understand this. Corruption and misbehavior should punish corrupt parties, right? Not if they become the upper class. They use the law. For example, the OFFICIAL SECRET ACT OF THE GOVERNMENT. What is an example of this government secret? There are government secrets that will expose the wrongdoing of them or their gang members. To be safe, they threaten witnesses with life imprisonment. Who dares to take this risk?
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The people win if corruption is defeated | The people have the right to speak out, it is in the constitution. Indeed, fear of speaking out is part of the reality of the people. All kinds of consequences and effects when we dare to question or report. This culture of oppression started in school. We learn, don't question. We accept and follow orders, don't question. Over time, we get used to being silent and afraid. In the end, the upper class will swear this system is for the people, until any time.
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