There must be a right to try treatment with terminal illness
Our basic rights are being taken away
Back in the 1960s and 70s human rights appeared to be at its peak. However, societies are being forcibly changed, where our basic human rights have been eroded. In countries like Canada, there is now a right to die. However, across the world, the right to try any treatment has been eliminated.
There are so many alternatives to the standard medical procedures, which are now not allowed to be questioned. Ivermectin was forbidden in many countries as a prevention and treatment of Covid, where the use of vaccination as the only treatment became the law.
New research papers are showing so many other possibilities for this drug.
There are so many possibilities in alternative treatments. The world has so many plants with undiscovered compounds with medicinal properties. The ‘climate change’ movement with the push for alternative sources of power is destroying the world’s biodiversity with the quest to develop non-carbon sources of energy.
Nobody is questioning the loss of our unexplored biodiversity.
The possibilities of repurposed drugs are rapidly declining. There is no a wide body of research on the use of repurposed drug efficacies that are not only ignored by the authorities, but banned.
Science and evidenced based treatments have become the enemies of totalitarian governments telling dictating what people can and cannot do. The wisdom of executive administration is now on a slow decline, where world wars are so easily becoming a possibility, and have little hesitation of destroying an economy through draconian measures such as lock downs.
The governments of the world now share a common cognitive dissonance or group think that is causing not only stupidity, but callous arrogance and lack of empathy for their own citizens.
Cognitive dissonance: the most prevalent disease facing humankind today.
Without the right to try, research on finding new cures for diseases will greatly suffer, where people will be in the hands of ‘big pharma’ with a dubious success record over the last few years, with their lust for profits.
We are heading towards the world of Soylent Green quicker than we think. A world with only a single narrative allowed.
The world has lost its compassion and empathy.
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Your writing is so well stated in a nutshell, it give me clarity of thought, with so much going on in the world today, bravo!
You allow the tapping of our forests for medicinal purposes, the Chinaman will rape everything there is of the Amazon, Borneo, all of Africa, PNG and elsewhere wherever a blade of grass grows. First it was timber for oil palm then for "development". In Indonesia and Malaysia that meant the Chinamen bribing his way into the forests.
Where there is a shortage, they will create artificial medicines and poisoning people to death.
Lets drop the big one on them now.