Using Opportunity Theory to Add Value in the Economy
Improving aggregate productivity through micro-economic strategies
The key to improving GDP is through adding value within the economy. Adding value is the flip side to improving efficiency. Value and efficiency are the two determinants of productivity.
Productivity is a measure of economic performance that compares the amount of goods and services produced (output) with the amount of inputs used to produce those goods and services.
Increasing value through identifying and exploiting new opportunities is a key to the development of the Malaysian economy.
Productivity = Output/Input (Thus, increasing value through opportunity, increases national productivity).
This hypothesis explores the phenomenon of entrepreneurial opportunity.
Entrepreneurial opportunity is depicted as a nexus between the ebb and flow of the environment and our personal, family and business disposition, reflected in our personal knowledge. Opportunity recognition therefore must be seen as an ability not uniform throughout the community. Entrepreneurial opportunity is defined and described as existing within four typologies; imitation, allocative, discovery, and construction, which all have individual characteristics. The paper discusses seeing opportunity based upon prior knowledge, emotional sensitivity, and one’s current perspective. The entrepreneurial process and evaluation of any opportunity is considered with a modified SWOT configuration.
This article will assist you in understanding what constitutes real entrepreneurial opportunity and the value it can create.
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While this should've been a priority in Malaysia, it seems they are more interested in hijacking issues for racialist and religious narratives
Another bunch of words utterly useless for Bolehland except for questionable word peddlars to shag with their wide-eyed audiences in Turd-rate "academic institutions".
What we need are people even without titles to their names who have access to and experience from close working relationship with business and industry and knowing society intimately from inside. And of such people we have plenty of the "qualified" but at the same time, absolutely none.
If we do have those "geniuses" how is it we can't even begin to take any kind of look at our economy at any point and arrive at some point where we can just begin a decent (mildly intelligent) discussion, I am not even saying anything about "solutions" or answers to anything uncovered or investigated.
Malaisesian academic institutions, just like its academics and politicians are just full of sh*t. Haven't we just had our esteemed geniuses caught with their sarongs down with a fake piece of "research" claiming an ancient Chinese ship as invented in mythical "Nusantara"? And it's not the first time either our "professors" have supervised such pieces of trash dancing down the garden paths of Malaisesia Bolehland.
Even if wan and all are hard up to show themselves off as Malaisesia's (or even world's) Best - and even supremacist, let's face reality, we haven't the quality people or institutions to shag off about. Our better fellas are mostly abroad, finding better things to do, and thriving. And leaving the monkeys to be politicians, academics and whatever else, even fake admirals. Any person or academic worth his bananas would find it well-nigh impossible even to embark on getting any reliable information for any purpose let alone a sexy piece of research. Statistics and facts one gets is always are always suspect.
Just for a couple of simple examples, when trading academic etc papers with Bolehland academics etc I generously made available material for, l suppose, fellow enquirers of "truth". I even had to dig for information for our unbelievably clueless - and fcuking lazy wonders, often with their fabulous professional titles. When it comes to their side of the bargain (or honour or integrity..) the arseh*les offer utter freaking rubbish - or simply nothing. Not just that they play dead with you. Or they play hide-and-seek. When you do get hold of your favourite ninjas, they are invariably on the road and driving. And they never get back to you...
One of these fcukfaces, a "head of department" at Bolehland's "most prestigious" "university" referred me to his website. I promptly accessed that - whereupon the first items were a few pictures of the degenerate flanking, presumably, his political idol, that Mamakthir! Yes, there were a handful of, presumably, the monkey's monumental work, all monumental embarrassment dangerous for our "shame" culture, unfit to wipe your virtual assh*le with - if you use your hand.
If any of you part or full-time geniuses think you are getting anywhere with your seeking-for-truth in Bolehland, you can only be in fantasy island (not Singapore), and pumped to excess with some devil weed, possibly quality export ketum. Or you can't get into any other plastic-ivory tower elsewhere. Or you are the idolised head of department of some outfit in fcuking Scam Malaisesia... Nothing wrong with that, there's never ever anything wrong with Fairyland Malaisesia, is there?
Guys, don't come back at me with twenty page responses highlighting you are some tosser to do with academia Malaisesia, I'll shove that right up your nether regions!
Oh, if I've anything to do with our plastic-ivory academia these days it's extremely rare - like never, thank you. There's a sanity and health limit to the quantity of bak kut teh you should consume. And the number of pairs of socks you should use as your condom.