Correct slaughter protocol violated in Australian abattoir
Translated from Utusan Malaysia (Bahasa Malaysia)
April 24, 2022, 7:00 am
PUTRAJAYA: A former employee of a slaughterhouse in Australia has confirmed that the allegations and video evidence of how animals were slaughtered in violation of protocol are true.
Speaking to Mingguan Malaysia, he, who declined to be named, said the house should only slaughter about 4,000 animals a day according to the capacity of the plant which has three workers to do so, but was instructed to process up to 6,500 animals a day for profit.
"All the evidence revealed regarding the halal non -compliance of a slaughterhouse in Australia is authentic, I witnessed with my own 'eyes'.
“Imagine with the capacity exceeding the set, only three butcher workers do the job whose Islamic status is questionable.
“The supervisors do not practice the correct teachings of Islam, do not pray, do not fast and even drink alcohol. So how can we trust and rely on the monitoring of such people, ”he claimed in an interview session via video conference here yesterday.
The source who had conducted the slaughtering operation there claimed that, before acting to expose the misconduct, he consistently lodged a complaint and raised the matter with representatives of the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) and the Supreme Islamic Council of Halal Meat in Australian Inc. (SICHMA), but not taken care of.
According to him, the offense was realized since January last year when the procedure of slaughtering animals did not follow the halal protocol set when the animal died as a result of suffocation in accumulated blood with a thickness of about 80 centimeters.
More surprisingly, he said, the slaughterhouse was supposed to be able to carry out the work of slaughtering about 4,000 animals a day according to the capacity of its plant, but they processed up to 6,500 a day in pursuit of profit.
Utusan Malaysia previously revealed that there were sheep slaughterhouses in Australia that were recognized by Malaysia and Singapore and were found to be violating halal slaughter protocols.
According to witness-supported reports, the sheep were drowned in the blood collected from a previously slaughtered animal and not because the animal was slaughtered as per the requirements of halal slaughter requirements.
Meanwhile, the former employee of the slaughterhouse said that as a result of the revelation, he received threats not to act in such a manner, but did not break his spirit so that the Muslim community would not be deceived by such activities.
He also claimed that whenever Jakim and SICHMA wanted to do an audit and inspection, the slaughterhouse was informed in advance so that all evidence of non -compliance could be cleared first.
He said the full backing of the officers who conducted periodic audits on the slaughterhouse also raised doubts when it was alleged that it confirmed that it complied with the set rules.
“It is not only the issue of not following the halal slaughter protocol, but all operations are not clean and can cause disease.
"I am doing this for the good of Muslims and it needs to be dismantled so that no one tries to make money in halal matters," he said. - UTUSAN
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