Watch this film Animal Farm before you vote on “The Voice” referendum
Some people will be more equal than others
The story goes, the farm animals takeover a farm. The pigs run a counter revolution and take control over the rest of the animals. The moral of the story (in totalitarian states) is that an elite will control the reins of government, and impose their will upon others.
This is a risk in having a defacto-third house of parliament. The influence of a small group of people may far exceed the original intention.
The voice breaks the International Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD), ratified by the Australian Parliament. Installing race into the Australian Constitution breaches Australia’s treaty obligations.
According to the convention’s first article “The Voice” runs contrary to the intention to eliminate discrimination and racism:
Considering that the Charter of the United Nations is based on the principles of the dignity and equality inherent in all human beings, and that all Member States have pledged themselves to take joint and separate action, in co-operation with the Organization, for the achievement of one of the purposes of the United Nations which is to promote and encourage universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion,
Considering that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaims that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and that everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set out therein, without distinction of any kind, in particular as to race, colour or national origin.
Those considering a vote for “No” are being branded racists. ICERD sees things differently.
At the very least, any instillation of “The Voice” into the Australian constitution could be challenged in the High Court of Australia.
These are issues that need to be considered carefully.
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Aaah, Animal Farm... the great work by that intelligence operative Orwell in the tradition of the other propaganda spooks Kipling, Burgess... but in our context the "Babis" ain't the pigs in Animal Farm . ..