Please help me tell you what Malaysians feel about Malaysia
Its time for you to tell me what you think. I want to reflect what Malaysians are feelings and thinking about their country today.
I promise to keep the identities of those who respond strictly confidential. I will collate the responses into narratives and publish them in a series of articles that tell the story of “Malaysians’ Aspirations”.
This is not a quantitative survey. Its more like a personal interview with you that I will synthesize with other responses to paint a picture about the current feelings and thoughts about the state of Malaysia today.
Only answer the questions you feel comfortable to answer. Write as little of as much as you feel to the questions you want to comment on.
You can reply to this email or email your answers to
Thank you in advance for your effort to answer my questions. I hope the results will be interesting to all to read.
1. How do you feel being a Malaysian today?
2. Can you describe how you feel living in Malaysia today?
3. Are you happy about what is happening in Malaysia today?
(If so, what are you happy about? What are you not happy about?)
4. Do you feel free to express your true feelings openly?
5. Do you feel free to express your religion freely?
6. How do you feel about the Malaysian political scene now?
7. How do you see the Malaysian economy today? What are your future expectations?
8. Do you feel disadvantaged in any way? How?
(Have these disadvantages hindered your career, family, your future?)
9. Are you thinking about seeking work or migrating to another country?
10. Do you think Malaysia is a fair country?
11. How do you see Malaysia’s future?
12. How would you like to see Malaysia in the future?
13. What are the major issues and challenges facing Malaysia today?
14. Do you intend to vote in the coming general election?
15. Do you believe a new political force in Malaysia is possible?
16. Do you have any other feelings, thoughts or ideas you would like to share?
Some questions to help me classify the answers.
1. Are you a Malaysian citizen?
2. Do you currently live in Malaysia?
3. What is your age category?
65 plus
4. Male or female
5. Race or ethnic group (only if you feel like answering this question)
Thank you in advance
Perhaps you can utilise the google questionnaire form.
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