This video by Tan Teng Boo was pass onto me by a Singaporean business person. This is a YouTube video is saying things Malaysian businesspeople have been saying for years. Here in Thailand, the standard of living is rapidly rising, and could pass Malaysia in the future. Very many parts of Thailand already have, particularly in urban areas, although aggregate GDP per-capita in Thailand is still lower than Malaysia..
This should be a wakeup call for Malaysia. The days are coming where Malaysians will be forced to go abroad for economic opportunities. I already see this in Southern Thailand and Australia.
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We don't need the video or wait for a Bangladeshi PM to grace our gomen to tell us Indonesia, Thailand, or even Papua can whizz past us one day soon.
That's quite very simply because of the mentality of the poor specimens of the poor species in gomen we are forever having to put up with.
Oh, we can't just blame our genetically useless gomen, one wonders wtf is so wrong with the denizens of Bolehland that they are forever voting in the cursed politicians.