Well perhaps you ought to direct your anger at Sin Chew and those other institutions like the DAP that use "Umbrella" terms (generalizations) about Malays and others everytime they don't get their way. For most part I do agree with what you are saying although not wholly. But it does hurt when the shoe is on the other foot does it not?

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Sin Chew continues with its contumely against the Malays using every known cliche to advance the Chinese communities historic discrediting of the Malays with the exception of those who tow their line. For starters the use of the word racism to describe the accurate description of the DAP as communists is a nonsense. The vast majority of the Malayan Communists Party were Chinese. A CIA report in the 1960's described the Party of Lim Kit Siang (the DAP) as Communists. It followed the shooting death of a Chinese cadre of the DAP who threw himself at president LBJ's motorcade during LBJ's visit to Malaysia in or around 1965. The funeral procession of that DAP cadre was a communist inspired gathering of communist slogans. You can't blame people from associating the DAP with the communists any more than you can apportion blame for terror activities in Muslims (justifiably or not). Communism is a political ideology not a race.

Further still the idea that there is such a thing as "Malaysian Democracy" (let alone Democracy anywhere in its pure form) when one considers the accommodation between the races in Malaysia which has led to that relative harmony in which they have existed since and prior to independence save for that period when Chinese Malayan Communists ran riot throughout the peninsula. Lee Kuan Yew himself was intolerant and suspicious of the DAP types and referred to them as "Chinese chauvinists" giving them no quarter.

PAS is not an invention or phenomenon of recent import. It has been there as a champion of the Malays since time immemorial and why not? Democracy as the Sin Chew trumpets it has in their own words been non existent in Malaysia as far as the Chinese at least are concerned.

Bersih, C4 and others including those foreign funded news journals have been complaining of dictatorships and the absence of democracy in Malaysia for decades. They have used media platforms and street marches to defame, defile and denigrate Malays and Muslims with relative impunity citing the occasional arrest and trial of those who have gone a step too far in their promotion of the open societies narratives.

As for the "threat of Islam" refer to Wan Aziza's interview on Al Jazeera with Medi Hassan in 2015 whereby she openly admits Anwar intends to turn Malaysia into a Muslim state. Turkey who backs Anwar solidly is also a Muslim state. So too is Iran where the anti Muslim forces are running riot. I raise Iran as a special case for mention against the Islamic bogey because, the largest number of Jews from the Middle East are from Iran. The majority who went to Israel to do Alia from Iran have returned to Iran to live under an Islamic theology debunking the fear mongering of the DAP and Sin Chew types who do nothing for the good of religious and racial harmony.

If Malaysia is or has been a Democracy then a Sin Chew or DAP must be mindful of the most fundamental element or principle of democracies. A government of the majority (in Malaysia's case, Muslims and Malays and not simply those urban ones). They can't simply pick and chose which principles of democracy they want at the expense of the majority to suit the Chinese.

It is time that the Chinese in Malaysia came to terms with their own existence and what it is thats wrong with it n places like Malaysia. There is little interference in their public consumption and sale of pork and gaming, alcohol and other things anathema to Islam. They can always negotiate with PAS rather than to shoot fear bullets from the sidelines.

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Nonsense. We have a Malay PM and his wife in jail ; thousands more UMNO members together with PAS, and other Malay parties that should be jailed. What are you talking about?

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What are you talking about? Gandhi was jailed, Anwar was jailed, Nelson Mandela was jailed, Ho Chi Minh was jailed, Deng Xiao Peng was jailed and Martin Luther King was jailed. What has jail got to do with anything?

You say "we have a Malay PM whose wife is in jail" revealing your yellow livered prejudices against Malays. The way you've phrased your comment suggests that being Malay is an offence. You must be Chinese.

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The heck are you spewing man, I'm Chinese and this just looks like you're using 'the Chinese' as an umbrella term, like how I can say 'the Malays' or 'the Indians'. You know it's not just black and white. And fyi, CIA reports are heavily biased because they're an American government organization, there's no reason for them to be impartial when it comes to opposing ideologies like Communism. Take what they say with a very huge grain of salt. I would also like to add that there's a difference between claiming you're a Communist and acting like you're a Communist, and for now the DAP is nothing close to that, it's been very capitalist lately as far as I'm aware. Lee Kuan Yew may have been intolerant to anybody associated with Communists, but he openly professed his guilt of locking up so many of them as well. And also there's no point in bringing him up if you're not going to mention the whole reason Singapore was created in the first place. And even now Singapore remains racially and religiously harmonious, and economically prosperous in contrast to our country, and despite being majority Chinese they do not have any policies that benefit only them.

But anyway, what pisses me off about your statement is that you speak of us Chinese as if we are pissing our pants and being petulant children by complaining that things aren't done our way. That has never been the sentiment, even among my relatives or any Chinese person I've known for the matter. We just see how the wealthy upper class Malays in their lofty government seats keep pointing at us and telling the poorer, less fortunate Malays that it's our fault they're not doing well in life, and we know when to call bullshit. We've never had any race quotas on our side, or any special rights and yet we can still thrive in this country, what's preventing the Malays from doing so, even with so many benefits, and why is it our fault? The fearmongering in the recent elections has been on an all time high with all the PAS TikTok campaigning and all those posts about May 13th. Saying a Chinese person should come to terms with their existence and shut up and deal with it is like asking an African American to not even bother about their issues because they aren't the majority and don't belong. We've all been living alongside one another for so long and we all suffered under the imperialism, so why do we keep falling for their tactics of 'divide and conquer'? I personally hate when race is brought up, despite differing in appearance and beliefs, we're all human, and that's enough for me.

My other problem with your statement is that religion is always abused to push forward an agenda, whether to justify hatred and dehumanization or to get people to follow your carrot on a stick merely because you practice the same religion. This applies to PAS. Pakatan Harapan has many supporters because of the very well thought out explanations they had about what to do if they became the government, and perhaps I'm wrong, but all the ceramahs I've seen of Perikatan Nasional have been more about riling up emotions than actually talking about progress and development of our nation. If was even about race in the beginning, do you think Pakatan would've gotten enough votes to butt heads with Perikatan? I mean, Anwar who's Malay is the PM candidate, not a Chinese person, and yet we choose to vote for him because of his promises for the betterment of our nation, instead of the betterment for a single group of people. I mean, Muhyiddin said it himself, he's 'Malay first', not Malaysian first. Although he did a pretty good job handling the pandemic, whatever ounce of respect I had for him left me after witnessing his subsequent actions. But to give you a more direct answer, the point of failure in democracy is the fact that you can cheat it by appealing to people's emotions, using either racial or religious sentiments- hence the reason why Chinese people, and even the other minorities, are so vehemently opposed to organizations like PAS. Pakatan doesn't have the advantage of being religiously affiliated, and yet they can still contend as the opposition with that massive handicap. This is because they appeal to everyone, and don't prioritize any specific group.

About your final paragraph, there's a reason why we separate halal and non-halal foods, it's part of our whole culture of tolerance for one another. No civilized Chinese would go out of their way to offend Malays, and watching someone eat pork or drink alcohol isn't haram as far as I know, it's only haram if they do it themselves. And what does gaming have to do with Islam? Did the Quran somehow mention that playing Candy Crush or Valorant is haram? I have Malay friends who are avid gamers so that doesn't make sense at all. The fact that this is a multicultural country means that we have to agree to disagree on some topics, and doing the bare minimum of not pushing their ideals onto everyone else isn't something to give so much praise for. We're all in this together.

Whether or not you agree with what I said, I just want to ask of you to not judge the majority by the actions of the minority. Sin Chew is just another news agency, and news has been biased for a long time, especially when profits are in question. I understand that there will always be bad actors on both sides, anti-Malay Chinese, and anti-Chinese Malays, but what you're saying right now is a complete straw man argument that unsettled me enough to make this comment. If I miscontsrued your point I apologize. Have a nice day.

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In Indonesia, Saudia Arabian investment in Mosques has resulted in growing numbers of youth who have embraced the Wahabi sect Islamic teaching-totally religiously intolerant. Many of the younger generation have been indoctrinated in these Madrassas-I fear the same is happening in Malaysia.

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Many other countries have also invested in the pro Zionist Born again Christian movement which is in fact alien to even mainstream Christians the world over. It is a sign of tolerance that you have Wahhabis alongside "Zionist" Christians whatever that cringe worthy means.

You'll never know the value of your sight till you lose it.

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It's indoctrination and brainwashing since birth. Only they can see the error of such extremism in their own experiences with the world at large when they are the ones eventually left behind.

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Every mainstream religion brainwashes its followers from birth. After all religions are based on faith. What is faith? A belief in something for which there is no proof.

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Only in Malaysia if you're born into a Muslim family you're automatically a Muslim by law and not allowed to choose or convert to any other religion punishable by law. No choice ifs or buts.

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In Catholicism the so called "Stain of baptism" is never removed from birth till you die. Each country has its own rules. Apostacy as it is called is a sin punishable by death in many countries (Islamic countries). Thats their rules. The world was not created for the Westminster and other colonial types to decide how Malays, Arabs, Indians or Chinese should think or behave . That era is long gone. Only the abandoned half castes (of culture and religion) spawned then discarded by the west remain who support such inherently colonial rhetoric.

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Exactly and it is high time we put behind such misguided antiquated practices that's mostly being used by the extremist religious zealots as a tool of control and racist rhetoric here.

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One mans religious zealot is another's saviour just as one man's terrorist (Ho Chi Minh-Gandhi- Mandela) is another man's liberator.

All our constitutions are based on and grounded in 'misguided antiquated practices. Our judges are sworn into office as are our sovereigns on these misguided and antiquated practices (swearing on a bible in the belief oof a God of wrath). Yet by and large they seem to work well. When it comes to Islam a much misinterpreted and maligned religion it appears to be extremist.

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Well it will all become plainly and painly clear those left behind by the rest of the world in their narrow mindedness. Isolation, insulation and a xenophobic view of the world in today's technologically driven global culture and world economy will not have a good outcome for those unwilling to change with the times.

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