"Last week, Teresa Kok said that the JAKIM compulsory restaurant halal registration proposal should remain voluntary. Kok is reflecting wide community sentiment across all groups".

Teresa Kok is no Joan of Arc, an image of herself she likes to portray to cover her political incompetence and advance her Chinese chauvanistic credentials by being anto Malay.

To suggest she reflects wide community sentiments cross all groups is a wide exaggeration and total distortion of the efffacts, the truth and Teresa Kok's constituency.

Leaving her parliamentary constituency aside (90% Chinese in Siputeh) she has nothing in common with the majority of the country's ethnic make up. The Malays (and Indians who she ignores as a matter of policy).

Kok who for over a decade described herself as "sassy" MP is self indulgent battering ram for the Chinese.

Her support of Tokongs (Chinese alters of worship) in her constituency as a "right" of her Chinese constituents is typical of her mentality.

These Tokongs (road side alters) the majority of which have no council approval often contain pork offerings to their Gods which are offensive and deliberately so in a country of over 70% Muslims. Thats Teresa Kok's idea of "rights". Yet she finds it offensive for Malays to have rights protected and granted to them under the constitution.

She lacks a proper command of the English and Malay languages often struggling with her Chinglish and speaking in disrespectful distortions of the Malay language in contempt for the Malays, the Malay government and everything Malay.

Lets hope the Anwar government in turning against these chauvanists who seek to turn Malaysia into a Chinese cesspool as successors to that other murderous Chinese butcher Chin Peng, destroy and subjugate them once and for all as Indonesia, Thailand and all other ASEAN governments (except Singapore) have done for over 7 decades.

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DAP is a disappointment , more like MCA . All the leaders should be kicked out including the Karpsl siblings / if the father was alive , he would have fired them. Losers

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It was Karpal Singh who outed Anwar as a homosexual in parliament in 1998 (go read your Hansard). The DAP is like every other Chinaman in Malaysia. Quick to blame others for their inability to fight fair and freely. They need to buy politicians to provide that fig leaf for their commercial successes and excluse any competent opponent in their contests.

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I hope DAP would go it alone and contest even in Malay majority area. Even if you can't form the government you at least give both Malay and non Malays a means of telling both sides they don't want their kind of politic.

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Let the DAP do that and be wiped out. The inquiry into the Kit Siang family shenanigans and their misappropriation of tens of millions of dollars in the Penang mega construction projects is about to hit them.

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