Whilst it is often said "never speak evil of the dead" Raja Petra Kamaruddin aka RPK can be made an exception.

A spinner of tall tales, many unfounded, he rode on the coat tails and backs of those who genuinely sought change in Malaysia at a time when the only change they were entitled to was to get rid of their dependance on what a white foreigner thought of them. RPK was all too eager to please this class of neo colonial and fed out of their hands.

At a dinner with him and his wife and daughter in Bangkok in 2017, both he and his wife confided to those present they were being funded by none other than Marina Mahathir for their living expenses.

He conceded that his living expenses were under written by Marina for a long time without which financial support their Nasi Lemak Coffee shop in Manchester and RPK's blogging would not have ever survived. So after all with the benefit of such a disclosure from the horses mouth, I wonder hw anyone could have honestly believed that he fought for freedom of speech.

Anwar saw the light a long time ago and whilst allowing these maggots feeding on the corpse of a bloated NED and open societies check book in Malaysia and Hong Kong, walked a very thin tight rope neither endorsing nor dissing any of these maggots in order to survive and squat all over them.

He lied about people he did not like. Produced a false document purportedly written by a key witness in the hearing into the death of political operative Teoh Beng Hock whilst in detention at the alaysian Anti Corruption Commission premises in KL.

RPK led the fools air heads of Malaysia's so called 'reformasi' mobs into the river to drown like the pied piper to rats.

These were unintelligent Malaysian middle classes who ran on the smell of an oily rag. They were hungry for sensation and gossip and were led by the likes of RPK like a farmer leading his bull by its nose rrings to the abbatoir.

His contributions to journalism and to freedom of speech were as valuable as those of a bald man preaching about the utility of combs and hair brushes to other bald men.

Regardless, his conduct contributed to the rise of Anwar Ibrahim and Anwar's journey to the Islamization and the robust reclaimation of Malay rights over all others in Malaysia.

To his family, I never did and do not hate the man or his memory. We will all have to answer that call one day. You have my sympathies.

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Compared to a cheap fraud like you, Chicken Korma, RPK was and is a saint!

I have oftentimes had strong disagreements with him, my posts have often been removed from his site, but sitting down for a coffee and cigar or two with him and his wife, I find them very down to earth and genuine folks, may his god bless his soul.

RPK, pbuh, was right about the political fraud Anwar.

Those of Bolehland who hated RPK because of his judgement and opinion about Anwar, and for his refusal to kiss the ground Anwar walked, may they be cursed by their gods, rocks, or lumps of wood. With Anwar finally showing what a fraud he is, I am saddened RPK is lost but I am very happy Anwar's arse-kissers and worshippers have now got to fcuk themselves for not seeing through the fraud Anwar has always been!

One of the greatest things RPK did was to get a good many in Bolehland pissed off sick with what he wrote. I consider that a feat.

I've never given half a shiite who paid him or not, he did get off his backside and either informed, misinformed, humoured, and got a good many of our fcuking monkeys really pissed off. I'll always remember him for that. And for his cheap cigars I won't touch, my cigars are each RM170 and much more a whack. I shall burn a bundle to reach him in Jannah.

As for a common plantation niggah tosser like you, Chicken Korma, your ' "never speak evil of the dead" Raja Petra Kamaruddin aka RPK can be made an exception" ' is wasted, no one is exactly looking up to you for your "holy pronouncement", your self-shagging would never make it on RPK's site, it's your kind Uncle here that tolerates you and let's you make a holy ass of yourself!

Chicken Korma, your dirt-digger's Sambo sotong spine cannot stretch to RPK's knee for you to drink his piss! Still, RPK's skill at dealing with little tosspots like you would have seen him trip your easily for you to swim in his piss all the time.

Seeing you feebly trash RPK, Chicken Korma, RPK must sure have got you mighty pissed during his blessed life, Alhamdullilah!


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