ASEAN always was an outpost of European, American and Australian (the deputy sheriff of the USA in the region) economic and political interests. It will come apart at the seams. It was so typical. They excluded India (an observer under Mahathirs regime) and embraced China because they were in the Panda's deadly embrace and could not ignore it. Another glaring piece of evidence is the political swill of despots they set up from Anwar to the Thai brother and sister Bonnie and Clyde duo of Thaksin Shinawatra. Then later paving the way for the return of the despotic, murderous and corrupt Marcos family which said it all.
ASEAN consists of factory fodder without any serious intellectual capital save for those who borrow from the Regime Change playbook and go around chanting and proclaiming "Pro Democracy" slogans whilst being as undemocratic as the Marcos's and Thaksins.
ASEAN is like that biblical verse " like the man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.”
ASEAN always was an outpost of European, American and Australian (the deputy sheriff of the USA in the region) economic and political interests. It will come apart at the seams. It was so typical. They excluded India (an observer under Mahathirs regime) and embraced China because they were in the Panda's deadly embrace and could not ignore it. Another glaring piece of evidence is the political swill of despots they set up from Anwar to the Thai brother and sister Bonnie and Clyde duo of Thaksin Shinawatra. Then later paving the way for the return of the despotic, murderous and corrupt Marcos family which said it all.
ASEAN consists of factory fodder without any serious intellectual capital save for those who borrow from the Regime Change playbook and go around chanting and proclaiming "Pro Democracy" slogans whilst being as undemocratic as the Marcos's and Thaksins.
ASEAN is like that biblical verse " like the man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.”
So ASEAN is losing a race it’s not in?
ASEAN was irrelevant from the start