"The most prominent Islamic scholar in Gaza has issued a rare, powerful fatwa condemning Hamas’s 7 October 2023 attack on Israel, which triggered the devastating war in the Palestinian territory."

It never ceases to amaze me and many others how the West and their compliant often un credentialed media cling on to the words of an equally unheard of and an uncredntialed "Islamic Scholar" from out of nowhere to make such claims and then issue a "Powerful Fatwa" condemning Hamas. Hamas has its own clerics who also issue fatwas against its enemies. And it works as it is enforceable. Take 7 October 2023 for starters.

Since the word 'fatwa' hit the headlines following the Ayatollah's fatwa on Salman Rushdie, the word has become a buzzword amongst semi literate journalists and political commentators in the West.

Very few pro Western Islamic or Western non Islamic scholars gave any credence to fatwas or recognized it as having any influence or theological authority over Muslims. It was "Hogwash" as Christopher Hitchens (the late), Bill Maher (I wish like many his time too would come) and the influential Bob Woodward would all refer to it as.

Now that Israel is on its knees militarily and a political pariah in the world, writers like Mr. Hunter feeding off the open societies gravy train uses the "authority" of an "Islamic Scholar" ( a person and religion of the stone age as many Western scholars and commentatators including academics refer to the religion of Islam and its scholars as) to delegitimse Hamas's punishing victories over the army and government of "God's people". The invincible, the infallible and the ever suffering victims of the Holocaust.

Pathetic. Israel of pre 7 October 2023 is gone forever. Like a cut snake it writhes, spews its venom and kills anything and everything in its wake. So much fo a disciplined army of superhumans with God's protection. The struggle and destruction of the "third temple" is now playing out from within. Israelis themselves are at war with themselves. Devoid of recruits (it has one of the lowest population growth statistics in the world) they are resorting to inventing Jewish communities in parts of the world they once refused to recognize real Jews who maintained the faith for over 2000 years. India for instance. There is now a fight within thats burning out of control between the "settlers" the "Chasidim" and the liberal Jews. Perhaps one ought to look at their 'fatwas' against the state of Israel instead of focusing on a politically motivated credentialling of a pro Israeli Imam and his fatwa.

The Chassidic Jews, followers of late Menachem Schneerson "the Rebbe", rely on a more appropriate 'fatwa' (responsa or Halaka for the Jews in accordance with the Torah) he decreed against the state of Israel deligitimising their right to exist against this unheard of Imam's fatwa against Hamas's 7 October 2023.

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Why speaks now. Is it because Triumph is President

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