Fairly decent idea but Bolehland shouldn't be involved. Or at least shouldn't be when anyone with the genius of the Kerala Krait gets involved. We'll just end up paying huge penalties when a Mamakthir think-alike cancels the projects. Worse still, he cancels the projects then revives them at even greater costs.
The Snake Pharaoh M for Memali Massacre Monster took trusted sidekick to China to lecture the Chinese about its "debt traps". The Chinese didn't warm to the Toons, took the pair of comedians as Malaysia's gift jokes to China, didn't blink when Bolehland cancelled the project. Then China burst out in merry mirth when Malaysia had to pay a hefty fat lump sum by way of penalty. It's easy money for the Chinese for Malaysia paying the uncles for doing a shedload of freaking nothing.
Wasn't just the Chinese uncles getting loadsa money for doing nothing, Singapore also reaped a tidy sum when Mamakthir cancelled a project with it. Bolehland Boleh!
Fairly decent idea but Bolehland shouldn't be involved. Or at least shouldn't be when anyone with the genius of the Kerala Krait gets involved. We'll just end up paying huge penalties when a Mamakthir think-alike cancels the projects. Worse still, he cancels the projects then revives them at even greater costs.
The Snake Pharaoh M for Memali Massacre Monster took trusted sidekick to China to lecture the Chinese about its "debt traps". The Chinese didn't warm to the Toons, took the pair of comedians as Malaysia's gift jokes to China, didn't blink when Bolehland cancelled the project. Then China burst out in merry mirth when Malaysia had to pay a hefty fat lump sum by way of penalty. It's easy money for the Chinese for Malaysia paying the uncles for doing a shedload of freaking nothing.
Wasn't just the Chinese uncles getting loadsa money for doing nothing, Singapore also reaped a tidy sum when Mamakthir cancelled a project with it. Bolehland Boleh!