The late tun haniff omar was chairman of genting casino. Whenever he hold a khenduri at his home, no muslim eat the food he served. They assume it is money from gambling. It is forbidden.

This is also why he was not buried at the national mosque.

On the other hand, anwar always shifts the paradigm of how things are done.

Just like ftz, it is likely that this special johore-singapore economic zone will be given the casino license.

That will be the third full casino license. The 2nd one was to lowyat group. The tunku gave to them and it has no expiry date. They have the first right of refusal.

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PMX can look at the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to see how business and foreign investment can bring money and success to a country's prosperity. Events and situation have changed much in the Kingdom, such as women can drive, pubs can operate and gambling allows.

The temptation of material gain is hard to resist. If the Forest project in Johore fails due to lack of attraction such as beers and gambling and the night life, then what? Th stake holders in the massive RM 100 billion project has the right investors and people of influence and connections, the laws and licence are in the same state and what is to stop the miracle touch from being executed?

What is the ingredient to trigger success and prosperity? Connection? Laws? Hard work?

How to revive a failed project?

Money incentive and support from government alone will not guarantee any success of a project undertaken to make the nation great! Let's learn from history!

Samuel Pierpont Langley (Aug 22 1834-Feb 27 1906) had connection,education qualification and financial support from government institution and even reputation to build a flying machine. he was given US 50000( Equivalent to US $ 1.8 million today) by the war department to kick off the project to invent a flying machine. But he failed and his highly promoted and anticipated success did not come at all.

However, the Wright brothers had nothing of any sort at all which were at the disposal of Samuel Langley. Made the plane flied and the whole world recognized their achievement! Motivation and inspiration make the difference to the outcome of a quest for success.

Let's wait and see how PMX will respond to the battle between religion and public opinion vs sound economic reasons and logic to overcome this dilemma of his own making.

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