Very interesting, Australian beef can be sold to other nations instead of selling to China. Besides, BRICS aren't a big kid as those nations are unable to have their goal aligned as relations between Russia and India hang in the balance while India and China are on bad terms. Therefore, the Indo - Pacific QUAD will be the big kid of security followed by AUKUS. Moreover, BRICS gold back of their countries' currency won't threaten the US dollar primacy and weaken the greenback dominance because investors and merchantsove stability as BRICS still pegged their currencies to the dollar just like Ruble is worthless without pegging to the dollar as Putin asked Xi to pay Russian oil in Euro while Russian bank is full of Indian rupee.

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Things really that rosy outside of BRICS then?!

The one thing about Yankland debt plus the freezing (and robbing) of the accounts held in the West by some nations are infinitely more disturbing. For now though, countries have wised up and parked their assets elsewhere. Which is also leading to the impending collapse of the Western financial and economic order.

No, things ain't at all rosy for the West.

A properly big world war would be a classic solution. But with Russia and China what they are these days that would not work out well for the West.

I would advocate the foreign stooges of the Western order go join the kids in Ukraine now conscripted to die for the West.

Btw, what's happened to our rentamob footsoldiers of the US neocons? And Soros' babes? They've gone all quiet. Only yesterday they were noisily huffing and puffing to blow the gomen down now they seem to be on permanent holiday...

Mullah Anwar seems out of his depth, out of his gimmicks, now that he's taken the plunge to join BRICS after having put all his durians in the basket of the West, the Yank neocons in particular.

And with his looking East and being chummy with China, it'll be his last card to play. Frankly, there's a better chance for the PM after Dear Mullah and Bolehland to stay head above water than to die for the doomed Yanks and their hillbilly redneck ideology.

So go learn or brush up your appalling banana Chinese. The Malays and other nons are ahead here, they have the formal schooling for the right accent rather than the local bananas with their weird back-alley pidgin.

I can see Chinese overtaking Bahahahasa as the most popular tongue and the whole of China flying in to hear us speak Chinese and rescue China in the football pitch.

I can also see clueless Mullah Anwar, before he is dethroned in the next election, treated like a tokong by the Chinese. Even when he can never catch any ball about anything!

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Awesome article. Mr. Hunter has presented a very perceptive clear analyses of very complex global and international issues thru the lenses of socio-economic and political clustering of nations to create groups with specific national interests. It would be interesting to see that how these newer associations develop and mature to be successful in their common goals. Is feeding the masses a defined goal of those associations, unions and alliances; not with beef but bread and vegetable biryani.

End Wars. End Hunger. End Food Insecurity.

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First End Stupidity.

Then replace the Banglas with the Rohinyas.

Then fcuk "bread and vegetable biryani", it's beef and pork chop for me, Hari Hari, Om, and Alhamdullilah!

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