The same old intellectual frauds. The same suspects in Regime Change fielded by open societies the NED and the Soros foundation. Welsh smells like rotting fish both politically and morally. She has no interest in promoting something as amorphous in its definition as the concept of democracy nor has she any interest or knowledge of the region or its people.

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When Murray hunter writes an article like this which completely ignores then dozens of initiatives, events, speeches, allocations that anwar has made for the Indian community including this past week when he said he’s committed to wiping out the worst levels of poverty in the country this year, Murray reveals that he’s not at all an aspiring commentator but more likely someone who is peddling an agenda.

How will anwar do this. He has said and shown that reallocating money from subsidies paid to the rich among other things is the way to achieve this.

There is no way this article could get published in any newspaper because it ignores facts, has glaring omissions and pushes a particular agenda.the article which needs to be written is why is Murray hunter hell bent on running down the anwar Ibrahim government?

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