This site will never be further excavated. Any one doing it will be ostracised for being anti Islam. In this ketuanan country, Islam is the ketuanan and anything that threatens that concept must be denigrated. There is a similar site in Kota Tinggi in Johor, which has been deliberately neglected because it is a Buddhist site. This ketuanan mindset determines that everything in our history must have Islamic roots. Otherwise it is a non starter. There are a number of PhDs who advocate that our history is filled with Islamic influences but do not have the evidence for it. Just wishful thinking and delusions.

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A profound and useful article.

But maybe it is better to bury the evidence, "Hinduism-Buddhism" not helpful for the mythology of Ketuanan narrative pushed by our monkeys with midget heads buried in camel shiite. There can be no history else, it is "inconvenient truth", Islam is the first and last that came by us, there can be no other else.

The finds are more valuable than the very little desperately filling up our "museums", though we do have plenty and more unearthed some of us are sh*t-scared to expose.

I suppose there's a case against truth. Archaeology in Japan doesn't recognise anything that does not point to the land not inhabited by the descendants of the Sun God. Israel covers up anything that the forefathers of the Palestinians (and the real Yahudis) were there first.

I am happy to go along with the sacred history the weaker neanderthals have always been here. And are still here. I read that from the Bolehland WeaklyLeaks, I call my archaeological spade a spade.

There's a lifetime of stuff on the amazing site to study and to share with the world. We do not have to invent myths and recycle bogus academic researches that claim a gigantic lie an ancient Chinese vessel was invented in Bolehland, and have experts including the Jakarta Museum shot the amazing nonsense down with a flick of the middle finger, WTF!

And, whereupon, our monkeys rebury their midget heads in camel shiite to hide their shame and preserve their colour, Alhamdullilah!

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