Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive, easy to govern, but impossible to enslave . Henry Peter Brougham ( 19 Sept 1778-7 May 1868) There is no education worthy of being called a relevant education which equips the masses how to make sound decisions on issues of on life, politics, character formation or economic philosophy.

Real education must transform the masses on two important signs of being educated.

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. ”

― Alvin Toffler (4 Oct 1928- 27 June 2016)

He who will not reason, is a bigot; he who cannot is a fool; and he who dares not is a slave.

Sir William Drummond (26 Sept 1769-29 March 1828)

If the man on the street cannot adequately execute these two skills correctly, all the election exercises are all in vain. the voters do not have a candidate who is worthy of being chosen to be entrusted with power and authority to rule, there will be no one to be elected to govern the country with wisdom , compassion and justice. This is a colossal failure of the government to groom the younger generation to be good ruler of the nation.

No capable leaders can arrive to serve the nation with distinction unless there is a long term plan to search and secure potential leaders and put them all under trainings and mentoring by the existing government in power. All the politicians so far who pretend to serve the people are all interested to seek position and authority to enrich themselves at the expense of creating a destructive and divided nation.

Blind to see the importance of long term planning to successfully produce a large pool of talented people who can serve in the administration well, every election will see the same third grade politicians who seek to rule just for the sake of power, wealth and status for personal gain.

If you want to be happy for an hour, go take a nap.

If you want to be happy for a day, go golfing.

If you want to be happy for a month, get married.

If you want to be happy for a year, inherit a fortune.

But if you want to be happy for a lifetime, go educate the people

All the above ideas are sound and excellent guide line for aspire politicians but where is the push for this reality to be experience?

All that is required for someone to be an election candidate demands and requires no proper trainings in political science, administration, character test, temptation resistant to corruption, ability to debate, soundness to hear the candidate's vision for the nation once elected.

Without a proper set of stringent qualification to be imposed on a proposed election candidates who are good enough to do a decent job as a people's representative, this nation will see all sort of ill equipped , sub-standard election candidates offering themselves leaders to head the nation.

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What do you mean by PN that practices division and racism scorn. Can you give an example

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Is The Gomen of Hoi Hoi Yah Hoi Brain Dead with much Brain Drains?

Not exactly. Not much damage its just the brouhaha. Nevertheless both Ai n RR talking too much, but not bold enough to convinced...

PN will Win Big in Kelantan, Kedah n Terengganu. 85% of Malays Votes in Selangor and N9. 90% in Penang...

Kusufian Write@blogspot

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I think Dsai has made a big mistake by prosecuting the Bersatu chaps. The speed of the investigations and prosecution tells you that it was obviously a political persecution. There are other cases which are pending & longdrawn eg LCS, Zeti, Nazlan etc but seem to hv been given less priority. There are doubts whether Dsai is serious about corruption & reforms of all institutions. Further his appointment of Zahid as DPM as well as appointment of politicians to GLC’s has already damaged the rakyat’s belief in his words and promises. I foresee PN will win at least 5 states. If that happens then Dap will b after Anwar’s head. So much for political stability

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Anwar is not up to the job. His abah political persecution is backfiring. His dap church visit will guarantee votes for pn. Zahid disrespect for him in the open by appointing his party leaders in government loses his credibility. His kwsp fiasco is losing even ph supporters. Kxp kedah sanusi says what kind of pm is this is losing more ph votes and his rafizi handling of economy is not up to tun daim's standard in 89 and 97.

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Moo is a. after effect of Mahatarism. He stinks of corruption and any person backing him is not one who cares about the nation nor its future. Votes were bought the voters were given a "high" from stolen money. Moo has mislead the nation with Hadi as a side-kick. Don't you think this chaps must be incaecerated...

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