Theres usd 100 tril circling amongst the jew,china,korea and japan. The jews mainly decide where the investment in asean should go.last year,malaysia got usd10b and indonesia usd30b.singapore got usd100b.

This year,malaysia attack the jews. We will be lucky if we get usd5b into malaysia.

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Got to find out more on rosli.

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Old Boy, what have you found out?

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Jan 20·edited Jan 20

Our still colonial-minded niggah monkeys are rather good at whoring themselves on behalf of Western interests. Long after colonialism our monkeys are still incapable of being their own persons err monkeys.

It comes as no surprise the monkeys have no trust nor confidence in themselves to think for themselves and their own country, they always have to defer to the massahs. To these wonders, Westerners are more intelligent than our mental midgets so the meaning of life should be lie back or bend over, open the gateways, think of the massahs.

The mentality of our whores should explain why our sellouts, proxies, stooges, and prostitutes never have the ability to do their own thinking and make their own decisions. Colonialism and the grotesque inability to alter their mindset of the colonial slaves have rendered our monkeys impotent.

Yes, give up and follow, as Jesus H Christ said, and the White Man's Will be done, Alhamdullilah!

Btw, if you venture to Sarawak, you'll find their tourism still honouring the glory days of the "White Rajs", what ho! The Sambos are the least aware it was one anti-colonial Rosli Dhoby who stuck a dagger in the chest of the British governor and snuffed the bastard out, Praise Be!

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