The biggest threat to Malays and Malaysia are their own kind. Just like in other Islamic countries, they self destruct using religion as their ammo. These are the members of the Club of Doom. Malaysia is knocking on their doors asking for admission. It has got great credentials

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" Few in the government and executive could be trusted "

This says it all

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Looks like the boleh deepstate strikes again. Will the “real” government, whatever that is, stands up for the rakyats⁉️ Or the shadow rules again⁉️

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If this is true it makes the whole thing even worse because it shows that the IGP suspects that the rot he's trying to weed out is embedded not only in Global Ikhwan but far deeper into government. As more and more of the story unfolds the worldwide media will begin to focus on it as it did with the 1MDB matter. This will not go well for Malaysia and any shenanigans, political or legal, to minimize, dismiss, or shed blame will not play well around the globe. I'm waiting for someone to suggest that this matter should be handled religiously, perhaps in the shariah court. Even though there is no reason for a sensible person to even consider such a suggestion I suspect that it will be made. Religious fanatics know no bounds.

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