We are getting ahead of the story here. We still don't know the nature of the so-called "bomb". The police have said the material in the bomb could cause a fire, or catch fire. This is not the definition of a bomb, not by a long shot. The full report must indicate if this was actually an explosive device or not.

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The fire-bombing of Dresden don't count as the "bombs" killed tens of thousands through fire and not so much through explosives. I won't want anyone to be killed by any "definition" all the same. Even if in a survey tens of thousands prefer to be killed by fire than by explosive, thank you.

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Whatever it is,the intent to shut siti kassim's mouth is there. She is being tracked now by those that has had enough of her and hopefully she cools down n becareful. She has to watch her mouth. Dont say things that insult others. The malay proverb siti..kerana pulut santan binasa..

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I am all for Siti Kassim shooting off her mouth. If she doesn't speak and speak her mind, very few people would have the single testicle to do what she does. Bless her. And may the Big Woman up the Sky protect her.

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Lets not encourage her to be murdered

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Attempted assassination of a lawyer? really?.

Siti Kassim can't live without a headline even if it means giving the nation the bird and resorting to vulgarity at the expense of whats left of her dignity and making up stories of fictituous assassins.

The commissioner of police has categorically stated in no uncertain terms that the police have no suspect in the matter but what he refers to as "witnesses" into this rather bizarre complaint by Siti.

Siti appearss to be courting publicity in what some say is a prelude to her tilt at a parlimentary seat in a yet unnamed constituency in one of the states giong to the polls soon.

She is said to be a human rights advocate. An advocate without a mandate relying heavily on a mythical concept of Human Rights. I suppose by that she means the right to offend conservatives and decent humans who reject her brand of Human Rights advocacy consisting of bald allegations against all and sundry, vulgarity and unverifiable claims of attempted assassinations likely to blow up in her face.

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Anwar is focussed on state elections at the moment. He is fumbling and losing support day by day. Ph ceramah are left with empty chairs and no one believe or respect him anymore. The grab panda boys yelled out muhyiddin's name to his face. His arrest of sanusi's man made him lose support completely in kedah kelantan and terengganu. He is hated and rejected by all malaysians.

Amidst all these, dap is growing restless and is working out to get rid of amanah and pkr.from the seat allocation,amanah will likely lose all seats contested and pkr will also lose 80% of the seats in this coming state elections. Umno will lose most of the seats for sure.

Because of this, sarawak n sabah territory are pushing the endorsed ma63 parliamentary seats from 56 to 78 and anwar has promised to support.

Once approved, sabah sarawak and DAP can rule Putrajaya with as few as 112 seats. This means a 40 seats DAP can team up with 72 seats from the sabah and sarawak territory.

Siti Kassim has to look after herself as all these politicians are too busy fighting for power.

A DAP Prime Minister? Why not.

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Missing Pastor Koh solved? Why not? How come not? When? Life goes on? Celaka

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Domestic terrorism is not just Malaysians torturing and killing their maids.

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With all the attention this is getting, if it wasn't a real attempt to assassinate her then they have achieved their objective of intimidation and sending a clear message to all other activists.

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