Better than the exploitation by a Chainman over rice, sugar, flour and cooking oil as Robert Kwok has under the protection of his friend the Sultan of Johor now King of Malaysia.

The Malays can only end monopolies like those controlled by Robert Kwok the same way the Rhodesian troops under Lt. Col Peter Walls did during the Malayan emergency. He killed Robert Kwok's brother (communist/ Capitalist) whilst William Kwok was en route to ambush anti communist forces in the Pahang jungle.

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Forgot to address this one:

"Robert Kwok's brother (communist/ Capitalist)"

"communist/ Capitalist"?!

Make up your tiny midget plantation niggah mind which. You cannot, even if you are a really typically confused Bolehland chickenshit longkang-standard "supremacist" be both "communist" and "Capitalist" at the same time. It is contradictory and can only work with Malaisesia's best, the excessively mentally-deficient Ketuananistanis who forever can't make up his tiny midget mind.

A ketuananistani wants to be his own person and force to be reckoned with - but in the same breath he is so dependent on other's dedak handouts without which he's a mighty fcuking dead legendary dodo. A ketuananistani wants to shamelessly live out of the golden goose but at the same time he wants to kill the golden goose!

A ketuananistani wants to outdo others but can never better others ever. The ketuananistani can only seize other people's businesses but then soon only run them to the ground when they give themselves fancy titles and hefty pays.

The ketuananistani is always a mental pretzel when it comes to thinking and simple ideology. When the tiny twisted minds invent themselves as a supremacist race, their non-existent race, which started with a label "Malay" for a very big range of homo sapiens or maybe even neanderthal by a rather uneducated white uncle with an impossible speciality called "anthropology" designed to make the white apes superior to the brown and black monkeys.

While the white apes never completed their study of the strange monkeys far away from their shores, either because they too busy robbing those poor monkeys, or they couldn't further their convenient "scientific" studies because they have already invented all their answers.

It was left for our monkeys to further the "science". Unfortunately, our confused ketuananistani monkeys have always been supremely backward in science even when pumped up with falsified high exam marks.

For our dumbfcuk "supremacists", their "supremacy" allow for another race to be their "top dog", a macaivillain from the Indian race can be their supreme ayatollah, WTF!

Our monkeys cannot think beyond their dedak feed, for the commies their leading lights have always come from rather comfortable backgrounds. But they sold out their backgrounds as prominent communist Zhou Enlai from a rich mandarin class put it. But our monkeys, busy with their "supremacy" project fuelled by their inferiority complex cannot understand such distinctions in quality and refinement.

Robert Kuok's bro sold out his background, went to the jungles, he never continued living in his family home in the most expensive road in Singapore. He died a martyr to his cause, that's very heroic, he could have died in the comfort of his very posh home.

Not something we can say about our Ketuananistanis monkeys, they die the same stupid, there were those who went all the way to Syria, Iraq to die fcuking morons serving ISIS terrorists and Israel. That's how fcuking confused our moron monkeys are - all ego, no grey matter!

Here our Number One very confused plantation niggah Chicken Korma wallah enthused and boasted about the slaughter of Robert Kuok's bro. True to form, it was not the act of our chickenshit spineless ketuananistani pigs, our Number One confused longkang "supremacist" even gave the name of the Mat Salleh mercenary who did the murder!

For a moment I thought we've got us a ketuananistani monkey who can think. And have at least one testicle!

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Jun 21·edited Jun 22

"The Malays can only end monopolies..."

Damn right. And only the Malays can fcuk things up after they've grabbed the monopolies.

".. the same way the Rhodesian troops.."

That's because the reactionary Malay running dogs of the Brits couldn't handle fighting the Commies, as they were and are still dependent on the Chinese for their dedak handouts, they were dependent on the Brits to prop their wobbly spines up for anything.

Once their Brit massahs left, the Malay elite being genetically useless couldn't deal with the Commies until they begged for peace.

True to their fine tradition of being useless at anything, the dumb and incompetent Malay elite saw the cessation of hostility with the Commies refusing to surrender and refusing to hand over the bulk of their weapons.

Today we see the Commie Chinese as a monumental success story on every front, saving our bacon by, for instance, rescuing the legendary permanent lossmaker on a gigantic scale, Proton, and practically keeping our nation afloat by buying our produce.

Talking just about Proton, what kind of fcuking moron can make a running loss of any business for nearly twenty years until our kind Chinese uncles shoved that Mamakthir aside and from there performed such an amazing miracle on Proton!

Life ain't going to be sweet and easy now with more of our lovely Chinese Uncles going to invest in the country after the recent China - Malaysia love fest. When the Chinese uncles invest, the first thing they do is shove out the living dead and the dead dead in any business. That will only mean those of the bum-ass and dumbass Malay elite. Remember the Chinese uncles never gave a fcuk about getting rid of the cushy arrangement pampering Malay Proton sales agents.

Well, the moral of the story is the Chinese uncles are going to come in a big way, thanks to Mullah Anwar. They will insist on their own way of running their show, Alhamdullilah!

It may not be Commie Uncle Chin Peng but the story remains the same, the Commies are going to run the show. That means they are going to be your Bossku. And lucky you!

Btw, don't bitch and whine and sulk and cry out loud like you always do, the Chinese Commies are immuned to those pathetic noise.

And don't get rubbed the wrong way if you feel the Chinese act superior to you monkeys, the Chinese actually feel superior. And rightly so too!

Btw, talking 'bout Rhodesia, the collapse of their apartheid system never saw their soul bros the South African apartheid system mend their ways about being racists. They coop up their Malays in Cape Town and treat them like animals. The Malay tragedy there sees them Malays turn into drug addicts, pushers, gangstas, big criminals... The Africans have their sport hunting down the Malays. And exterminating them.

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Now the Malay farmers are feeling the heat. After 60 years of administrative dictatorship, the poor farmers have realised who their oppressors are. Certainly not the Chinese middleman but their own malay feudal lords, who get richer by the day while the paid farmers have not improved their lot for the past 70 years. How will change come about? The poor padi farmers must decide their future.

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