What a load of horse pooh. Just because a race of people (usually illegals by today's standards or squatters by any other standard occupied a certain part of the world (like some Chinese in Sarawak and Sabah) does not entitle them to anything over and above or equal to what the local natives enjoy as a birthright.

That whole idea of terra nullius is no longer recognized by the international community as a justification to a claim for rights or land. It is a fiction as the Chinese writer of this article tries to impress upon us as fact. Where do such claims begin and where does it end anyway.

The Malays have always been not only an integral part of the Malay archipelago which stretches from parts of Taiwan throughout the Philippines, through Borneo, Indonesia, Southern Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, parts of Vietnam and all of Malaysia. They are universally recognized as the custodians and original inhabitants of these lands. Not the Chinese in any shape or form.

The Chinese have no more right or claim to any of these parts of the world than the British, the Portuguese, the Indians or the Dutch. All of these other nations colonized or controlled and 'settled' in South East Asia for centuries. And applying the criteria used by this Chinese writer 'in search of his identity they too would have 'rights' this writer claims belong to his community, the Chinese.

The Chinese have always been invaders where upon settlement they over run and forage the environment tearing it up like locusts engaging in Sinofication of the entire environment taking over everything in their wake, till there is nothing left or recognizable of the original culture-Singapore..

Furthermore and more importantly, just because they desire to dominate all of South East Asia by force of commerce and their exceptionalism, they are not entitled to anything above and greater than any of the other races in the region especially those races and non Chinese who are universally recognized and acknowledged as the true natives, custodians of these lands. The Malays not the Chinese.

The Chinese have a nerve demanding more rights claiming they are discriminated against. Just like the Indians they are long time guests at the pleasure of the Malays and their rulers in Malaysia. The Indians who ruled and settled in Malaysia dating back longer than the Chinese can claim to have, have no rights to what superior rights the Chinese now claim is their entitlement.

In any event if a referendum is held to decide the matter ( a democratic way of deciding on the "rights" the Chinese claim in the region) it will fail. It must fail.).

The Chinese have descended in swarms of locust like proportions in South East Asia especially Malaysia increasing in numbers during their heyday over the past 2 decades when China dominated the world economy and made it a lot easier for mainland Chinese to settle and multiply in their present day numbers over the years. All of this courtesy of a incompetent and corrupted government. But that of itself gives no rise to any rights to them over and above what others especially the Malays enjoy.

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True also lah...but i think chinese malaysians love malaysia as much as malay malaysians but to come here and demand this and that..no lah!

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Before writing this drivel he should read the article how Malays are poor in their own land. That has raised Malay anger. It is wise of him to include Sarawak as part of China nine dash line during Kublai khan borneo😂😂😂 He forgot to point out China 5000 years started in the Malay States that their slanted as they migrated in land..hang tuah was chinese🤣🤣🤣

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Yes.what matters now is bn,dap,pkr,amanah and gang can actually alter the fed constituion.they have 148 seats.

Dap should suggest that the rest of their ph-bn 108 mps should support their principle and take out that article 153 of the constitution.

Can or not?

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Hello, poor Myanmars, poor Thais, poor Filipinos, poor Chinese, poor banglas, poor Indians are not the responsibilities of the Malays. They should go back now that China is much richer like Kuok. You cannot expect every Indian to be given 2 planes free like Tony Fernandes by mahathir. Or rice monopoly bengali bukari. gambling monopoly to Tan Chou youn , casino to poor goh tong. Why do you think it is the responsibility of the Malays to give land to India poor's, to China poor people? maybe they can go to Britain , Australia , n Zealand as her majesty subjects. Indians need urgently to go back to India Pronto.. India is rich today A nuclear power with Hindu extremists MoDI . What not to like?

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Hello, don't comment on others only. What makes the malay has the right to give land to the others, when the malays themselves are pendatang that robbed the original inhabitants i.e. orang asli or orang asal of their land and called it Tanah Melayu! The malays are not the original inhabitants here lah. Shameless!

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The Malays single handedly built Malaysia as it is today.

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Cakap tanpa malu, siol!

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What camel poo!

But do have a couple pints camel urine with that.

Smoke a few joints at the same time to get the better hallucination. Take care not to end up in a rehabilitation camp, the taxpaying nons will have to foot the bills for your parasitical indulgence - and you won't want that surely.

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I totally agree.

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Hello, poor Myanmars, poor Thais, poor Filipinos, poor Chinese, poor banglas, poor Indians are not the responsibilities of the Malays. They should go back now that China is much richer like Kuok. You cannot expect every Indian to be given 2 planes free like Tony Fernandes by mahathir. Or rice monopoly bengali bukari. gambling monopoly to Tan Chou youn , casino to poor goh tong. Why do you think it is the responsibility of the Malays to give land to India poor's, to China poor people? maybe they can go to Britain , Australia , n Zealand as her majesty subjects. Indians need urgently to go back to India Pronto.. India is rich today A nuclear power with Hindu extremists MoDI . What not to like?

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Nothing else, these Chinese waiting to take over Malaysia like they did to Singapore. They have turned Singapore into a fully Chinese dominated country by giving millions of Chinese worldwide Singapore citizenships and totally drown the Malay population of its own existence in its own native country and made Singapore another China. If Malays make a small mistake to Malaysia like they did to Singapore, they will lose their country Malaysia forever like they lost Singapore. There wont be another Tun Mahathir to be the saviour once he is gone.

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DAP use corrupt umno to take over the gov with a puppet convict

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do you mean they practice genocide on the native Malays?

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They use their sly ways.

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Poor Myanmars, poor Thais, poor Filipinos, poor Chinese, poor banglas, poor Indians are not the responsibilities of the Malays. They should go back now that China is much richer like Kuok. You cannot expect every Indian to be given 2 planes free like Tony Fernandes by mahathir. Or rice monopoly bengali bukari. gambling monopoly to Tan Chou youn , casino to poor goh tong. Why do you think it is the responsibility of the Malays to give land to India poor's, to China poor people? maybe they can go to Britain , Australia , n Zealand as her majesty subjects. Indians need urgently to go back to India Pronto.. India is rich today A nuclear power with Hindu extremists MoDI . What not to like? Giving an island to poor migrant Chinese was a stupid thing to do.

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Excellent analysis. Parallel narratives exist Indian and other communities from Sub-Asia as well as other ethnicities from Borneo. These need to be elucidated so that a comprehensive story about our Malaysian nation can be told.

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You can ask tamils of singapore how the racist Chinese treating them like dirt. Only bootlickers like you deserve to be treated that way. just pity those not politically motivated.

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Poor Myanmars, poor Thais, poor Filipinos, poor Chinese, poor banglas, poor Indians are not the responsibilities of the Malays. They should go back now that China is much richer like Kuok. You cannot expect every Indian to be given 2 planes free like Tony Fernandes by mahathir. Or rice monopoly bengali bukari. gambling monopoly to Tan Chou youn , casino to poor goh tong. Why do you think it is the responsibility of the Malays to give land to India poor's, to China poor people? maybe they can go to Britain , Australia , n Zealand as her majesty subjects. Indians need urgently to go back to India Pronto.. India is rich today A nuclear power with Hindu extremists MoDI . What not to like? Giving an island to poor migrant Chinese was a stupid thing to do.

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When YAM Tunku was offered independence in 1957, there were as many malays as there were other races. Tunku chose to get the support of the chinese and indians to ask for independence peacefully. In return they were awarded with full citizenship. The british released tanah melayu without a single fire shot and we were free.

Lee kuan yew decided to join tanah melayu six years later and brought with him majority parliamentary seats. He demanded tunku to give premiereship to him via PAP and to rewrite the constitution as per malaysia is equal for all.

That didnt work out. In 1965, LKY left malaysia and ask his man Devan Nair to stay and formed a malaysian PAP. He named it DAP. That was in 1966.

The principle of DAP were then declared, same as what LKY intended to be..a malaysian malaysia for all. The once alien immigrant now demanded that Malays are not to have any special rights despite it is really their land. If this were in US or Europe,this same immigrants wouldnt have dared demand anything. Probably just thankful for letting them stay.

Devan left as mp of Bangsar and DAPs co founder Chen Man Hin stayed on to build DAP. Kit Siang became his secretary.

In 1967, the Setapak Declaration spell out DAPs principle. It reject 'bumi' status for malays, reject monarchy and reject islam as its official religion and promote secularism.

Today, that principle, applied in singapore has reduced the malay population from 70% to 12%. Even the malay kampong glam land has been sold for development. Kpg baru KL may soon receive the same fate.

DAP is promoting Malaysian Malaysia to achieve what Singapore has. Dap is using Anwar and Amanah to cleverly achieve their goal and has now increased their parliamentary seats from 9 in 1995 to 48 today, eight being via Amanah.

UMNO which use to defend the malay rights has now urge the malays to vote for DAP.

If UMNO, DAP, AMANAH and PKR are successful, a Malaysian Malaysia will see that the Malays finally losing their political power and hence the eventual dismantling of The Malay Raja Raja Melayu and the Ulamak institution.

Indeed, the creation of a true Malaysian nation is in the process. Everyone are equal.🇲🇾😍

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Before writing this drivel you should read the article how Malays are poor in their own land. That has raised Malay anger. It is wise of you to include Sarawak as part of China nine dash line during Kublai khan borneo😂😂😂 You forgot to point out China 5000 years started in the Malay States that their slanted as they migrated in land..hang tuah was chinese🤣🤣🤣

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An excellent piece! Called a spade a spade!

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The truth is coming out with this article especially for the younger generation to be aware of the predicament of our forefathers had gone through and theirs contribution to our beloved land


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Poor Myanmars, poor Thais, poor Filipinos, poor Chinese, poor banglas, poor Indians are not the responsibilities of the Malays. They should go back now that China is much richer like Kuok. You cannot expect every Indian to be given 2 planes free like Tony Fernandes by mahathir. Or rice monopoly bengali bukari. gambling monopoly to Tan Chou youn , casino to poor goh tong. Why do you think it is the responsibility of the Malays to give land to India poor's, to China poor people? maybe they can go to Britain , Australia , n Zealand as her majesty subjects. Indians need urgently to go back to India Pronto.. India is rich today A nuclear power with Hindu extremists MoDI . What not to like? Giving an island to poor Chinese migrant workers was a stupid thing to do.

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The truth is coming out with this article especially for the younger generation to be aware of the predicament of our forefathers had gone through and theirs contribution to our beloved land


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Jul 7, 2023
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Must seize the billions as lots of rich people made theif billions by corrupting others.

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Jul 6, 2023Edited
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What a load of bullshit. Are you a serious person or just an agent provocateur? I won't waste my time pointing out the errors. Mr Hunter, surely you must have some kind of preventive against this kind of unmitigated drivel.

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You disagree that malaysia is better off a republic? What errors are you upset about? It is all about change and staying balance while at it. Once the constitution is amended, all citizens are equal. Lee kuan yew doesnt believe all men are born equal. DAP thinks otherwise and hence their principle.

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Murray Hunter, you are attracting a bunch of irresponsible and capricious readers.

You have people who wrote blatant untruths like Johan's assertion that Lee Kuan Yew demanded Tunku to give him the premiership, etc.

What is he smoking?

Or the so-called Gopal Raj Kumar who claimed the Malays (not even defined) were universally recognised as the custodians and original inhabitants of "parts of Taiwan throughout the Philippines, through Borneo, Indonesia, Southern Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia and even parts of Vietnam and all of Malaysia"

With such half-baked commentators spewing nonsensical rubbish in your columns, who will take you seriously? I suggest, for your own sake, that you impose some kind of control and allow comments only after vetting (the Malaysiakini style).

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you Chinese means censorship communist style..make them disappear maybe😂😂😂?

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Before writing this drivel you should read the article how Malays are poor in their own land by muray. That has raised Malay anger. It is wise of Murray to include Sarawak as part of China nine dash line during Kublai khan borneo😂😂😂 Murray forgot to point out China 5000 years started in the Malay States that their eyes slanted as they migrated in land..hang tuah was chinese🤣🤣🤣

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Yap yok foo, google my name. I m a friend of the late chan man hin. You think LKY want to join malaysia and not be PM?

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Poor Myanmars, poor Thais, poor Filipinos, poor Chinese, poor banglas, poor Indians are not the responsibilities of the Malays. They should go back now that China is much richer like Kuok. You cannot expect every Indian to be given 2 planes free like Tony Fernandes by mahathir. Or rice monopoly bengali bukari. gambling monopoly to Tan Chou youn , casino to poor goh tong. Why do you think it is the responsibility of the Malays to give land to India poor's, to China poor people? maybe they can go to Britain , Australia , n Zealand as her majesty subjects. Indians need urgently to go back to India Pronto.. India is rich today A nuclear power with Hindu extremists MoDI . What not to like? Giving an island to poor Chinese migrant workers was a stupid thing to do.

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Gopal Raj is not Indian but agent provocateur. He even label Murray , an Australian as Chinese writer. Tells you how well read this 'shxt stirrer cybertrooper is

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Poor Myanmars, poor Thais, poor Filipinos, poor Chinese, poor banglas, poor Indians are not the responsibilities of the Malays. They should go back now that China is much richer like Kuok. You cannot expect every Indian to be given 2 planes free like Tony Fernandes by mahathir. Or rice monopoly bengali bukari. gambling monopoly to Tan Chou youn , casino to poor goh tong. Why do you think it is the responsibility of the Malays to give land to India poor's, to China poor people? maybe they can go to Britain , Australia , n Zealand as her majesty subjects. Indians need urgently to go back to India Pronto.. India is rich today A nuclear power with Hindu extremists MoDI . What not to like? Giving an island to poor Chinese migrant workers was a stupid thing to do.

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