To sway, influence and gain support are normal activities carried out by countries as part of their international relations.

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The mouse that roared or a turn coat farting. Thats Bridgett Walsh an NED funded and trained operative from Taiwan to Kuala Lumpur. Bridgett's íntellect'and her assessment of the region, particular Malaysia is full of contradictions and kinetic amplitude.

Bridegett is of the NED variety funded and on a leash held tightly by Regime Change. She was closely aligned with Bersih and a number of other US funded Regime Changers who claimed to be members of civil society assisting in the seditious activites against the Malaysian state. So much for academic honesty versus political pursuits disguised as independent observations.

Malaysia has long been the target of foreign intelligence services as have many other countriees in suoth east Asia. Ferdinand Marcos wass not the product of informed choices by his people and neiether wwas Suharto or Thaksin Shinawatra or the late Field Marshall Thanom Kittikachorn. The US and the Bridgett Washe's of this world assisted them willingly. Not Bridgett herself but people like her.

The disruption that brought Anwar into the prmie ministers office eventully sees an unqualified and in fact constitutionally disbarred disentitled citizen being allowed to stand for elections and winning in Port Dickson. Anwar may have been pardoned. But his crimnial record had not been expunged. Unless of course something happened to his circumstances 'between the bridge and the water

A retrospective expunging of the record perhaps. Well how legal is that if thats how it occurred?

Israeli agents have twice at least assassinated Palestinians living and working in Malaysia in breach of international law. They had to have safe houses and local informers on their payroll to achieve that feat.

Singapore fields a large numbe of agents and networks of inforrmers in Malaysia as it does in Indonesia and Thailand. It does so in cooperation with NATO, Australia's ASIO and the US.

Malaysians are acutely aware of th presence of these agents and play an active role in their activities in the region. Little do they know of the fate that befalls such second rate low level informers in the end.

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