The plight of the Tamil labourers in the death railway between Thailand and Myanmar is one filled with several permutations of the fact leading to difficulties that thMalaysian Indians have had in seeking reparations and compensation from the Japanese for their war crimes aganist them.

Ramasamy's peppering the plight of these slaves on death railway with his anti Mahathir sentiment and with no subtantive evidencce of any sort to prove his allegations is but one of these.

Waythamurthi of Hindraf dashed hopes of the Tamils receiving any compensation from the British government the ultimate culprit and esponsible party in this saga with similar unproven tales coming out of the script of a 'B''grade Tamil movie of the 1960's. Exaggerated and incredulous.

Over and above that Waytha siphoned off hundreds of thousands of ringgit of donours money playing the flying diplomat in Europe on those funds.

Sadder still there are 100's of 'Waythamurthis' and 'Ramasamys' in the Tamil community of Malaysia which makes any chance of pursuing the British government and the Japanese for their crimes against Tamils a near impossiblity.

Waytha's pleadings he drafted in the matter in the High Court of England was an embarrassment and an example of how the Tamils of Malaysia have taken precious opportunities and messed them up due to vanity and internecine fights to control the narrative.

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Fat hope this sick ultra melalui wil and that lowlife Akmal wil have a field day. And sodomite Anwar will cringe.

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